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previous fiscal year's operations would have produced net revenues for said year equal to <br />not less than one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the maximum annual interest and <br />principal requirements of the then outstanding bonds and the additional parity bonds <br />proposed to be issued. For purposes of this subsection, the records of the Sewage Works <br />shall be analyzed and all showings shall be prepared by a certified public accountant or <br />independent financial advisor employed by the City for that purpose. <br />(d.) The principal of the additional parity bonds shall be payable annually on <br />December 1 and the interest shall be payable semiannually on June 1 and December 1 <br />during the periods in which principal and interest are payable. <br />SECTION 18. Additional Covenants of the City. For the purpose of further <br />safeguarding the interests of the holders of the 2004 Bonds, it is specifically provided as follows: <br />(a.) All contracts let by the City in connection with the construction of said <br />additions and improvement to the Sewage Works in connection with the Project shall be <br />let after due advertisement as required by the laws of the State of Indiana, and all <br />contractors shall be required to furnish surety bonds in an amount equal to one hundred <br />percent (100%) of the amount of such contracts, to insure the completion of said contracts <br />in accordance with their terms, and such contractors shall also be required to carry such <br />employers liability and public liability insurance as are required under the laws of the <br />State of Indiana in the case of public contracts, and shall be governed in all respects by the <br />laws of the State of Indiana relating to public contracts. <br />(b.) All additions and improvement to the Sewage Works in connection with <br />the Project shall be constructed under the supervision and subject to the approval of the <br />Engineers or such other competent engineer as shall be designated by the Board. All <br />estimates for work done or material furnished shall first be checked by Engineers or such <br />other competent engineer as shall be designated by the Board and approved by the Board. <br />(c.) The City shall at all times maintain its Sewage Works in good condition <br />and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. <br />(d.) So long as any of the 2004 Bonds are outstanding, the City shall maintain <br />insurance on the insurable parts of the Works of a kind and in an amount such as would <br />normally be carried by private companies engaged in a similar type of business. All <br />insurance shall be placed with responsible insurance companies qualified to do business <br />under the laws of the State of Indiana. In addition to or in lieu of the foregoing, the City <br />may provide for coverage on all or part of the Works comparable to that described above <br />through aself-insurance program. Insurance proceeds shall be used in replacing or <br />repairing the property destroyed or damaged; or if not used for that purpose shall be <br />treated and applied as Net Revenues of the Works. <br />(e.) So long as any of the 2004 Bonds are outstanding, the City shall not <br />mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber such Works, or any part thereof, nor shall it sell, <br />lease or otherwise dispose of any portion thereof except replaced equipment which may <br />-16- <br />