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In the event a draw is made against the Reserve Policy, the City shall repay the amount of <br />the draw and related expenses incurred by the Reserve Policy Issuer together with interest thereon <br />at the rate set forth in the Reserve Policy Agreement. The repayment of the draw amount, related <br />expenses and accrued interest (the "PolicYCosts") shall be paid from the funds that would have <br />been set aside to replenish the Debt Service Reserve Account. Repayment of the Policy Costs <br />shall commence in the first month following each draw, in an amount equal to no less than one <br />twelfth (1/12) of the aggregate Policy Costs related to such draw. If and to the extent cash has <br />been deposited to the Debt Service Reserve Account, all such cash (or permitted investments) <br />shall be used prior to any drawing under the Reserve Policy, and the payment of any Policy Costs <br />under the Reserve Policy shall be made prior to replenishment of any such cash amounts. If, in <br />addition to the Reserve Policy, any other Debt Service Reserve Account substitute instrument <br />("Additional Reserve Policy") is provided, drawings under the Reserve Policy and any such <br />Additional Reserve Policy, and repayment of Policy Costs and reimbursement of amounts due <br />under the Additional Reserve Policy, shall be made on a pro-rata basis (calculated by reference to <br />the maximum amounts available thereunder) after applying all available cash in the Debt Service <br />Reserve Account and prior to replenishment of any such cash draws, respectively. The City <br />hereby agrees that: <br />(a.) If the Sewage Works fails to pay any Policy Costs in accordance with the <br />requirements set forth above, the Reserve Policy Issuer shall be entitled to exercise any <br />and all remedies available at law or under the authorized documents other than (i) <br />acceleration of the maturity of the 2004 Bonds or (ii) remedies which would adversely <br />affect the holders of the 2004 Bonds; <br />(b.) This Ordinance shall not be discharged and the 2004 Bonds defeased until <br />all Policy Costs owing to the Reserve Policy Issuer shall have been paid in full; <br />(c.) The Reserve Policy Issuer is granted a security interest (subordinate to that <br />of the holders of the 2004 Bonds and any Parity Bonds) in all revenues and collateral <br />pledged as security for the 2004 Bonds, for the repayment of the Policy Costs; <br />(d.) No additional bonds will be issued without the Reserve Policy Issuer's <br />prior written consent as long as Policy Costs are past due and still owing to the Reserve <br />Policy Issuer; <br />(e.) This Ordinance shall not be modified or amended without the prior written <br />consent of the Reserve Policy Issuer; and <br />(f.) The Reserve Policy Issuer shall be provided with written notice of the <br />resignation or removal of the Registrar and Paying Agent and the appointment of a <br />successor thereto and of the issuance of additional indebtedness of the City's Sewage <br />Works at the address specified in the Reserve Policy Agreement. <br />SECTION 12. Sewage Works Improvement Fund. On the first day of each <br />calendar month after the 2004 Bonds are issued, after meeting the requirements for operation, <br />repair, and maintenance and the Sinking Fund, all available net revenues shall be credited to the <br />Sewage Works Improvement Fund as set forth in the Prior Ordinances and continued hereby. Said <br />-13- <br />