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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 3, 1999 <br />3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (CONT.) <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by Ms. <br />Jones and unanimously carried, the Commission <br />approved the Claims submitted December 3, <br />1999, and ordered the checks to be released. <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />There were no Communications. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />There was no Old Business. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />Mrs. Kolata asked permission to add item <br />6.r. to the agenda. There was no objection <br />and item 6.r. was added to the agenda. <br />a. Receipt and opening of Bids in <br />connection with Studebaker Building <br />#92 in the Sample -Ewing development <br />Area. (414 W. Sample) <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the one Bid <br />received was from Dennis Lambert Sr. to <br />lease Studebaker Building #92 for 10 years <br />with two five -year options. The proposed <br />lease price is $1,200 a year for the first 10- <br />year term. The 10 percent performance <br />guaranty was submitted. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the proposed lease <br />price does not meet the minimum lease <br />price and recommended that the <br />Commission reject the bid and direct the <br />staff to work with Mr. Lambert. <br />11911 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CLAIMS SUBMITTED <br />DECEMBER 3, 1999, AND ORDERED THE CHECKS TO <br />BE RELEASED <br />THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />ITEM 6.R. WAS ADDED TO THE AGENDA <br />