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EXHIBIT 4. DECISIONS OVERSIGHT PLANNERS NEED TO MAKE <br />Decision Discussion in Text <br />Establish a Planning or Advisory Group <br />Identify the key actors N/A <br />Establish a formal planning committee N/A <br />Identify sources of technical assistance chapter 8 <br />Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation chapter 7 <br />Design a monitoring plan <br />Design an evaluation plan <br />identify program’s objectives <br />select an evaluator <br />develop measures of effectiveness <br />develop measurement methods <br />collect data <br />analyze data <br />interpret and report findings <br />Select Program Type <br />Review existing program models and materials chapter 3 <br />Visit selected programs to interview staff and observe procedures N/A <br />Identify tradeoffs involved in different components chapter 1 <br />Consider Taking on Other Oversight Responsibilities chapter 3 <br />Provide policy recommendations <br />Offer mediation <br />Assist with early warning system <br />Determine Outreach Methods chapter 5 <br />Establish Extent of Openness chapter 5 <br />Public or private hearings <br />Reporting procedures <br />type <br />content <br />frequency <br />distribution <br />Identify Staffing Needs chapter 4 <br />Decide on type and number of staff <br />volunteer board members <br />paid investigators <br />director/ombudsman/auditor <br />use existing staff <br />hire new staff <br />other staff (support, management information system) <br />Determine how to recruit, screen, and train staff <br />Select Program Structure chapter 5 <br />Establish eligibility criteria for complainants <br />Identify types of cases to review or investigate <br />Decide where complainants may file <br />at police station or sheriff’s department <br />at oversight program <br />other (city hall, etc.) <br />Consider whether to seek subpoena power <br />Develop timelines for completing each phase of the complaint process <br />Develop plan for minimizing delays in case processing <br />Estimate Budget Needs chapter 7 <br />N/A = not applicable <br />C ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />xiii