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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 5, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />c. continued... <br />mortgage subsidy of between $15,000 and <br />$17,000 through the St. Joseph County <br />Housing Assistance Office. The total cost <br />of the homes is expected to exceed $1.4 <br />million (including land). <br />A review of the tax abatements previously <br />granted finds that the Department of <br />Redevelopment has been a co- petitioner <br />with several other entities which have been <br />granted tax abatement. The other entities <br />are responsible for the compliance <br />reporting requirements for the previous <br />abatements. American Homes Dreams, <br />Inc. has been granted previous tax <br />abatements. American Home Dreams, Inc. <br />is in compliance with the reporting <br />requirements for the previous abatements. <br />The building commissioner has reviewed <br />the petition and finds the properties to be <br />properly zoned for the proposed project; <br />however, rezoning of the properties will be <br />pursued to change the zoning from `B" <br />residential, which allows multi - family <br />dwellings, to "A" residential, which is <br />single family only. <br />A review of the designated South Bend <br />Redevelopment areas finds that the <br />properties are located in the Sample - <br />Ewing Development Area, which is a Tax <br />Incremental Allocation Area; therefore, the <br />petition for real property tax abatement <br />must first be approved by the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission. <br />H: \WPDATA \COMMSN\030599.MIN -8- <br />