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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 5, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />h. continued... <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, seconded <br />by Mr. Blake and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the CDBG Contract <br />Amendment in connection with the State <br />Theater in the South Bend Central <br />Development Area. <br />i. Staff report on acquisition of property <br />in the Sample -Ewing Development <br />Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that two counter offers <br />were received. The first counter offer <br />received was from Joe Poul in the amount <br />of $1,200 for the vacant lot at 706 E. <br />Pennsylvania. The initial purchase offer <br />was $700.00. The staff recommends <br />accepting the counter offer. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CDBG CONTRACT <br />AMENDMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE STATE <br />THEATER IN THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, seconded COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE COUNTER OFFER <br />by Mr. Blake and unanimously carried, the FROM JOE POUL IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,200 FOR <br />Commission accepted the counter offer THE VACANT LOT AT 706 E. PENNSYLVANIA <br />from Joe Poul in the amount of $1,200 for <br />the vacant lot at 706 E. Pennsylvania. <br />The second counter offer received was <br />from Nabor Mayorga in the amount of <br />$25,300 for the residential property at <br />1313 High St. The initial purchase offer <br />was $22,000.00. The staff recommends <br />accepting the counter offer. <br />HAWPDATA \C0MMSN\030599.MIN -12- <br />