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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 5, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />d. Commission approval requested for <br />proposal from the Abonmarche Group <br />for professional services in the Sample - <br />Ewing Development Area. (Engineering <br />Design and Construction Document <br />Services). <br />Ms. Schwartz asked that item 6.d. be ITEM 6.D. WAS TABLED <br />tabled since it is related to item 6.c. There <br />was no objection and item 6.d. was tabled. <br />e. Commission approval requested for <br />proposal from the Abonmarche Group <br />for professional services in the Sample - <br />Ewing Development Area. (Subdivision <br />Planning Services) <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the proposal <br />received from the Abonmarche Group is in <br />the amount of $5,950. The Abonmarche <br />Group will provide surveying and <br />subdivision planning services for the <br />properties located along Pennsylvania <br />Avenue between High Street and Marietta <br />Street. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Blake, seconded by COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL FROM <br />Ms. Schwartz and unanimously carried, THE ABONMARCHE GROUP IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />the Commission accepted the proposal $5,950 FOR SUBDIVISION PLANNING SERVICES IN <br />THE SAMPLE -EWING DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />from the Abonmarche Group in the <br />amount of $5,950 for subdivision planning <br />services in the Sample -Ewing <br />Development Area. <br />H: \WPDATA \C0MMSN\030599.MIN _10- <br />