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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 19, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />g. Appointment of Design Review <br />Committee Members of the West <br />Washington- Chapin Development Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the Plan for the <br />West Washington- Chapin Development <br />Area calls for an eight - person Design <br />Review Committee. Two of the people <br />are by title —the Director of <br />Redevelopment and the City Building <br />Commissioner. The other six are by <br />appointment. Seven of the eight <br />appointees are as follows: (1) Ann Kolata, <br />Director of Redevelopment; (2) Don Fozo, <br />Building Commissioner; (3) Lois Holm; <br />(4) Eugenia Braboy; (5) Paul Hayden; (6) <br />Tom Miller; (7) Melinda Rider. Mrs. <br />Kolata also stated that the eighth <br />member — Hollis Hughes —asked not to be <br />re- appointed. The Neighborhood <br />Association has been asked to send <br />recommendations in terms of who might <br />be interested in filling the vacancy on the <br />Design Review Committee. Each member <br />would serve a two -year term. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission appointed the Design <br />Review Committee Members of the West <br />Washington- Chapin Development Area. <br />h. Commission approval requested for <br />Loan and Grant in connection with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property <br />at 1624 Warren St. (Ida Mae Evans) <br />HAWPDATA \C0MMSN \021999.MIN -17- <br />COMMISSION APPOINTED THE DESIGN REVIEW <br />COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF THE WEST <br />WASHINGTON - CHAPIN DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />