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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 20, 1998 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />b. continued.... <br />South Bend should work in partnership to <br />insure that Cobra Development and the <br />City are doing everything they can to keep <br />and attract manufacturing related <br />businesses. Cobra Development will ask <br />the Commission for special consideration <br />on its current project and to review the <br />overall policy concerning future projects. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that there were <br />numerous conversations between Mr. <br />Montgomery, a real estate agent and <br />herself regarding the tax abatement policy <br />for spec buildings. The policy was not <br />developed before the start of construction <br />of Cobra Development, LLC's building. <br />Mrs. Schwartz asked Cobra Development, <br />LLC to confirm that its building is only <br />15,600 sf in comparison to Beeler & <br />Brown, LLC and Davey, LLC spec <br />buildings, which are 23,000 sf, 27,800 sf <br />and 36,200 sf. Mr. Montgomery <br />responded that is correct. Ms. Schwartz <br />commented that if a buyer was looking for <br />a spec building with square footages <br />ranging between 20,000 sf and 30,000 sf, <br />they probably would not consider <br />purchasing a spec building from Cobra <br />Development, LLC. She also stated that <br />she would be voting against the tax <br />abatement for the reason that Cobra <br />Development has already initiated its <br />project by pulling the building permit. <br />Upon a motion Mr. Faccenda, seconded by <br />-15- <br />