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• STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIA.TENES:S ,a <br />Date: May 14, 2018 <br />Application Number: 2018-0425 <br />Property Location: 108 N Main Street <br />Architectural Style/Date/Architect or Builder: Neo-Classical/1910/Solon Beman and H.G. Christman builder <br />Property Owner: JMS Development, LLC <br />Landmark or District Designation: Local Historic Landmark, ordinance # 8915-1998 <br />Rating: Outstanding <br />DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE/ SITE: John Mohler Studebaker built this eight story Neo -Classical style <br />office structure in 1910. The fagade is comprised of six bays to the west and three to the south and is covered with <br />white terra cotta classical detailing. It is also clearly divided into three registers that are separated by strong <br />projecting and intervening cornices. The bottom of each cornice is punctuated by volutes and honeysuckle designs <br />placed between each bay. <br />The middle of the structure is articulated with a three bay system, which continues to the second intervening <br />cornice, once again embellished with classical detailing. The top floor is further distinguished by the use of arched <br />bays, which are topped by elaborate egg and dart molding. The overall decorative detail of the structure tends to <br />reflect the impact of the Colombian Exposition of which the architect, Solon S. Beman, was a major participant. <br />However, the frank expression of the steel frame links the building to the Chicago School of skyscraper <br />construction. <br />• The building has a flat roof with robust projecting cornices that have egg and dart molding and decorated voluted <br />brackets. The windows are 1/1 double hung with simple decorated spandrels, except for the eighth floor, which has <br />round even spans and cartouche keystones. <br />ALTERATIONS: COA 2016-0705A approved replacement of the non -original storefronts at ground floor with <br />new aluminum windows and sill flashing and 7 door openings with standard hardware. Vinyl/aluminum windows <br />have been replaced with an historically appropriate Quaker style aluminum that will restore all full original window <br />openings, including arched heads. Further approvals with COA 2016-0705A include: awnings, in-kind; close up <br />windows behind elevator core; masonry restoration, in-kind; remove skylights; install stair tower and trash chute <br />near center of north fagade, all finished in EIFS. COA 2016-0801A approved removal of "JMS Building" sign on <br />the north facade (although sign will remain installed to reflect the historic name and nature of building), and <br />installation of Centier blade sign, Centier sign on north elevation, and Studebaker Lofts sign on west elevation. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: "20' illuminated exterior sign." <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: Weigand Construction, tenant, requests approval for the <br />installation of an illuminated sign on the north facade of the JMS Building, approximately at the 51 floor level. <br />Great Lakes Capital, owner, approves of the sign as presented. The overall dimensions of the sign will be 20' wide <br />by 3' 8" tall, featuring Weigand Construction's logo and lettering. The profile of the sign will protrude 10" from <br />the mounting. Letter height will vary between 15" and 6". Staff has requested material, mounting and illumination <br />specifications. <br />In the denial letter for COA 2017-0803 (an application for a third Centier sign), it was conveyed that the <br />Commission should have a comprehensive plan for signage from the building owner/developer. Staff recommends <br />• that building owner/developer provide Commission with a comprehensive plan for signage for the building, or <br />specify what parameters/specifications exist for signage of tenants and. future tenants to the building. <br />According to the Design Review guidelines for signs in the South Bend Central Development Area, the proposed <br />sign would not be permitted, per Building Commissioner. [Size Requirements. The total area of all permanent <br />signs on one building face, including window signs, wall signs, projecting signs, and hanging signs, shall not <br />