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(f) (4) (A) If, after consideration the Committee finds that the subdivision <br />complies with all standards regarding secondary approval of <br />subdivisions; all required improvements meet the requirements of <br />13i~i~ien--8 Section 21-14.08; does not constitute a major change from <br />the subdivision which received primary approval; and complies with all <br />the conditions and modifications imposed upon the subdivision by either <br />the Committee or the Commission as a condition of primary approval, <br />the Committee shall give secondary approval to the subdivision and <br />authorize the Staff to record the subdivision per section 2.1-13-1{ 21- <br />14.05 5 . The Staff shall then affix the Commission's seal and <br />certificate of approval upon the original drawing and provide written <br />notification signed by the Secretary of the Committee that the <br />subdivision was approved by the Committee, and that the subdivision <br />will be recorded within seven (7) days of secondary approval. <br />(f) (4) (B) If the Committee finds that the subdivision does not comply with all <br />standards regarding secondary approval of subdivisions; any required <br />improvement does not meet the requirements of ~~isien-8 Section 21- <br />14.08; that the subdivision constitutes a major change from the <br />subdivision which received primary approval, or does not comply with <br />all the conditions and modifications imposed upon the subdivision by <br />the Commission or Committee as a condition of primary approval, the <br />Committee shall deny the subdivision secondary approval. The Staff <br />shall then provide written notice to the subdivider, signed by the <br />Secretary of the Committee, which sets forth the Committee's reasons for <br />disapproval. The Staff shall then release the original drawing to the <br />subdivider's registered land surveyor. <br />Section 21-14.06 Subdivision Replats <br />(b) (1) (A) iii. All required information as listed under section ~~-139f~a} 21- <br />14.05(el(11(A). <br />(c) (1) (A) If the subdivision replat falls within a designated flood hazard area, <br />the subdivision replat shall be reviewed by the Department of Natural <br />Resources in accordance with section ~} 21-14.03(Q)(1) of this <br />article. <br />(c) (6) (A) If the subdivision replat for which secondary approval has been <br />requested, received primary approval by the Committee, no appeal has <br />been filed within ten (10) days of the date of the notice of committee's <br />action, and all modifications or conditions placed upon the subdivision <br />replat by the Committee, if any, have been complied with or corrected, <br />