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or structure which does not involve a change in any exterior feature, nor does it prevent the reconstruction, alteration, <br />demolition, or moving of any building or structure which the Building Commissioner or other official has determined to be a <br />hazard to public safety. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission will accept applications for Certificate of Appropriateness only from the <br />property owner. Property owners wishing to do or have done any wort: affecting the exterior of their building or land <br />must apply directly to the Historic Preservation Commission on the form prescribed by the Commission (see Appendix <br />A). The Commission will review the application and either issue a Certificate of Appropriateness or else deny the application, <br />stating in %vr'iting the reasons for such a denial. Upon such denial the applicant may appeal to the Common Council. <br />In snaking its'determination, the historic Preservation Commission, shall consider three factors: first, <br />appropriateness of the proposed work to the preservation of the building and district; second, the detriment to the <br />public welfare if the proposed work is permitted even though it is not deemed appropriate; third, the potential hardship <br />that the denial of the Certificate of Appropriateness would cause the applicant. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff is relieved to see the applicant has painted the back stairs in compliance with the request of Code <br />Enforcement, as it «ill ensure the continued preservation of that portion of the structure in accordance <br />with the Standards and Guidelines (II. EXISTING STRUCTURES, A. Building (Materials). The proposed <br />(and installed) xvindows, however, are not in keeping with the Standards and Guidelines of the Historic <br />District, and are therefore inappropriate. Staff recommends denial of the window installation application. <br />Staff further requests that installed windows be removed and appropriate Nvooden windows be installed in <br />their place. <br />Written by <br />Adam Toering <br />Deputy Director <br />Approved by <br />Elicia Feasel <br />Executive Director <br />