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Leeper Park labyrinth written description for COA <br />Addition to the park of a therapeutic, ADA accessible, restorative, contemplation garden labyrinth. <br />Based on ancient historical referenced labyrinth gardens, this amenity will provide a new experience not <br />only to visitors and residents to the park and City of South Bend, but will more directly serve the <br />populations of Beacon Memorial Hospital patients, and the adjacent Madison Elementary School. <br />The idea of a labyrinth garden is to allow introspection and contemplation while following the indicated <br />path through the maze. The design also has been shown to loosely correspond to various areas of the <br />brain and mental states while travelling through it, and also abstractly "looks" like the human brain. <br />With the design based on a centuries old method and layout for the circuitous labyrinth path at the <br />center of the garden, a 40'-0" diameter area will be surrounded by a perimeter of lavender plants. <br />These plants were selected for their soothing and calming aromatherapy effects. An additional planting <br />area surrounds this labyrinth core which could be planted with ornamental plants, annuals, perennials, <br />or grasses to add to the meditative effects of the central portion. At the maximum extent, an 80'-0" <br />diameter circle outer concrete walkway will be provided flanked on either edge with more lavender. A <br />standard non -slip, all-weather wearing surface of stained or colored concrete paths will be provided for <br />access by all users. <br />Exact location will be based on professional survey, with major axis of walks to correspond with the <br />center line of Main Street, and outer radius of the pathways to be a minimum of 10'-0" setback from <br />duck pond perimeter walk. Auxiliary connector walks to other areas of the park may be provided in the <br />future and not part of this project. <br />Proposed access walks, meeting City of South Bend design standards, will connect the Labyrinth Garden <br />from the adjacent edge of Park Lane and lead directly to the new garden and will also be planted with <br />lavender edging and trees. <br />Benches matching the current style and materials of adjacent parks will be provided, as well as an <br />interpretive educational sign/marker to allow visitors to enjoy, relax, gather, and learn about the <br />labyrinth garden and its meaning. <br />