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tsitr[ui ! South Bend Community School Corporation Mail - OLD WMA Plans Exhibit D <br />� y ago <br />Michael Szymanski <> <br />OLD MPMA Plans <br />1 message <br />Deborah Cyrier <> Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 11:02 PM <br />To: Michael Szymanski <> <br />Mike, <br />MPMA received the Farm to School Planning Grant in June of 2017 and with this project will <br />be creating a Farm to School Action Plan for our bigger goal of becoming a recognized Farm <br />to School Program. <br />The demolition of the old MPMA facility would open up tremendous potential for our programs <br />development as we work to partner with Unity Gardens, Purdue Extension Office, UofND, <br />IUSB office of Sustainability, the Health Department and Food and Nutrition Services to <br />provide more readily available locally sourced healthy options for our students. <br />Although we are just in the beginning stages of this work several ideas have been <br />brainstormed that could not happen without the land where the old MPMA sits. Most notably <br />the addition of a green house for us to grow produce year round. This would be a learning lab <br />for our students and would greatly improve our ability to sustain our "healthy choices" snack <br />program through the cold months. We also desire to expand and make more readily <br />accessible garden plots for the local neighborhood through a partnership with Unity Gardens <br />(much like is at McKinley). With many families in our immediate area lacking transportation <br />this level of access to fresh produce has the potential to greatly change nutritional habits. The <br />garden beds next to the classrooms are great for teaching from due to proximity but to actually <br />grow quantity we need space. We have also considered the addition of chickens to the <br />property following city ordinances. <br />The lack of green space currently and the reduced playing area for our students impacts <br />instruction daily. Knowing that a piece of our approved playground space is sitting under a pile <br />of dirt is sad for our students. The quiet reflective naturescapes that we envision being created <br />in the footprint of the old MPMA would open doors for other outdoor learning experiences as <br />well. I think the foot print of the old MPMA could be developed into an inviting space for the <br />greater community and MPMA students/families. <br />Removing the OLD MPMA also says to the community that we value you and your child <br />enough not 'to have an eyesore that is a safety concern proximate to your child. <br />Please keep me posted about further developments and if you need me to attend a meeting. <br />I'm happy to do so. <br />Deb Cyrier, Principal <br />Marquette Primary Montessori academy <br />z8iS Bergai Street <br />https:llmail-geogle.comlmaiYul0l?ui=2&ik=b948c45cdl &jsver=HFKfDbXmXEv;.en.&view=pt&search=tnbox&th=15d9bbee53a18927&siml=15d9bbee53... 112 <br />