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6. Legal Counsel —None. <br />D. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />1. President — Distributed. <br />2. Legal Affairs — Will be scheduling a meeting after the holidays to review Deputy <br />Director job search. Staff to draft a modification of the previously approved Executive <br />Director description. <br />3. Indiana Bicentennial — none. <br />4. Deputy Director Search — none. <br />5. Nominating (Executive Officers) — Report by Brandon Anderson to recommend the <br />following members for officers: Tim Klusczinski, President; Tom Gordon, Vice <br />President; Elizabeth Hertel, Secretary; Mike Voll, Treasurer. <br />V. OLD BUSINESS — none. <br />VI. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS — Chair calls for any member to propose alternate nominations, <br />if any; there are none. On a motion by Mike Voll with a second by Tom Gordon to accept the <br />recommendation of the 2016 slate of officers by the Nominating Committee. Vote: 5 — 0. <br />Unanimous. <br />B. INTERNNOLUNTEER RESOLUTIONS — On a motion by Tim Klusczinski with a second <br />by Tom Gordon to sponsor the resolutions of Allison Polgar, Hannah Allen, and George Root. <br />Vote: 5 — 0. Unanimous. <br />C. PRESERVATION SPECIALIST 2016 CONTRACT — On a motion by Tom Gordon with a <br />second by Brandon Anderson to approve the 2016 contract. Vote: 5 — 0. Unanimous. <br />VII. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS — Tim Klusczinski wished all a <br />prosperous new year. Tom Gordon congratulated Elicia Feasel on the promotion to Executive <br />Director. <br />VIII. ADJOURNMENT <br />On a motion by Tom Gordon with a second by Brandon Anderson to adjourn. <br />Vote: 5 — 0 unanimous. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. <br />Attest:- <br />1-9-5-R.0 <br />ttest: <br />1.25•R.0 <br />Date <br />