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STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />Date: 31 March 2016 <br />Application Number: 2016 -0331 <br />Property Location: 1130 E. Jefferson <br />Architectural Style/Date /Architect or Builder: Colonial Revival/1939/Bon Durant House <br />Property Owner: Louis and Jennifer Miller <br />Landmark or District Designation: East Wayne Street <br />Rating: Notable <br />DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE/ SITE: This is a two story frame, irregular plan Colonial Revival <br />house with a hip roof with simple cornice molding and dentils. Windows are 6/6 and 6/9 double hung <br />with.brick flat arch windows at first floor with wood panel sections below sill and cut stone sills second <br />floor. The entry is central with fluted pilasters and Corinthian capitals supporting broken pediments with <br />scroll detailing. A two door garage is attached in rear with a hip roof with hip dormers. Two brick <br />chimneys are at opposite ends of central block. <br />ALTERATIONS: A roof and screen wall was added to an existing patio in 1994 to produce a sunroom. <br />COA 2015 -0803 approved addition of a dormer to the rear of the house, construction of a 2 -stall garage, <br />installation of windows and door to rear screen porch, and restoration of arched windows in sunroom. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: Remove existing shed and two trees at rear of current driveway. Construct <br />new 2 stall garage. Construct covered walkway which will be integrated into new garage to connect new <br />garage to existing main house. Replant like trees on either side of garage. <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: The Commission approved construction of a detached <br />garage in August 2015. The owners would now like to incorporate a covered walkway into the design, <br />connecting the new garage with the existing house, per designer's plan. The orientation of the garage has <br />changed from the original approval with the doors now facing the front. To accommodate the new garage <br />location, two existing trees and a small non - original shed will be removed. Of the two trees, one is already <br />dead and the other is an approximately 30' Oak. In a previous conversation, the owners were open to <br />exploring the possibility of having the healthy tree milled on site to reuse the lumber in the construction <br />of the garage. Like trees will be replanted on either side of the garage. <br />PRESERVATION SPECIALIST REPORT: n/a <br />STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: <br />EAST WAYNE STREET <br />I. THE ENVIRONMENT <br />B. BUILDING SITE, LANDSCAPING AND ACCESSORIES <br />Individual properties in the district are characterized by a house located in the center of a flat lawn, <br />often divided by a walk leading to the front entrance. Several of the residences are sited on two or <br />more building lots; however, the preponderance of the homes have been erected on a single lot. <br />Most of the properties include a double garage, usually located at the rear of the property. The majority of garages <br />are accessed from straight driveways leading from the main thoroughfare, while a few are accessed from the alley. <br />There are also a few homes with a covered carport located at the rear of the property, as well as a few with circular <br />driveways. Driveway and sidewalk materials include concrete, asphalt and brick. All of the properties have trees <br />and most have trimmed shrubbery and/or hedges. Most of the houses conform to a uniform setback line within each <br />block. <br />Required <br />