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Proposal to build a new fence on the property of 1105 E. Wayne <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />We are closing on 1105 E. Wayne on 4/29/16. As this home sits primarily upon Eddy Street and <br />the majority of it's side yard is open to that street, we want to build a fence, the function of <br />which would primarily be to keep our 2 young daughters safe. We propose to do this only after <br />taking possession of the home in late April. <br />We would like to build a wooden fence that is approximately 6 feet high composed of <br />untreated cedar planking that is board to board with dog ear tops similar to picture 5. <br />The fence we propose to build would extend northward from the setback line of the house as <br />seen in picture 1. It would then run parallel to Eddy Street. When it reaches the northern <br />property line, it would then turn and go eastward to the east property line. It would then run <br />south. Finally a small portion of fence would be added behind the house to enclose the area. <br />The approximate proportions per the estimate of Mike's Fencing are 60' by 50' by 120' by 10' as <br />seen in picture 6. <br />We greatly appreciate your time and are very excited to be joining such a great community (and <br />so will our daughters when they are safely playing in the side yard)! <br />Sincerely, <br />Bob and Tess Cassady <br />