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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 17, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />c. continued.... <br />Andrews if any of the proposed employment <br />persons are of South Bend Heritage or Logan, <br />Inc. Ms. Andrews stated that the employees <br />will be a combination of both South Bend <br />Heritage's and Logan, Inc.'s. She also stated <br />that South Bend Heritage currently has a <br />property management division which <br />manages all of their properties. Ms. Andrews <br />stated that the proposed four new employees <br />will be employees of South Bend Heritage <br />and Logan, Inc., and one of the four positions <br />will be a maintenance position whose <br />responsibilities include mowing the grass in <br />the spring and summer, and shoveling the <br />snow in the winter, etc. <br />Ms. Andrews stated that one of South Bend <br />Heritage's site people will be in charge of <br />leasing out the units. The tenants that qualify <br />based on their income and other criteria, must <br />meet those same requirements each year. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission adopted Resolution No. 1543 <br />approving an application for real property tax <br />deduction for property located in the 1200 <br />Block of West Colfax Avenue and the 100 <br />Block of Spruce Street in the West <br />Washington- Chapin Development Area. <br />(South Bend Heritage Foundation) <br />d. Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 1546 approving an <br />application for real property tax deduction <br />for property located at 4085 Ralph Jones <br />A:\ HOME\ CPAIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\101797.MIN -19- <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 1543 <br />APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR REAL <br />PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION FOR PROPERTY <br />LOCATED IN THE 1200 BLOCK OF WEST COLFAX <br />AVENUE AND THE 100 BLOCK OF SPRUCE <br />STREET IN THE WEST WASHINGTON -CHAPIN <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA (SOUTH BEND HERITAGE <br />FOUNDATION) <br />