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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 17, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />c. continued.... <br />unit. Logan, Inc. would also provide ongoing <br />support (ranging from occasional to constant) <br />for each tenant to maintain the level of <br />independence he or she is capable of. <br />Depending on the number of bedrooms each <br />unit has, two or three people will live in each <br />unit (with only one person per bedroom). <br />The tenants would be drawn from Logan's <br />list of individuals either enrolled in their <br />current semi - dependent and supported living <br />programs or from their growing list of <br />persons qualified and waiting to move into a <br />residential option. Many of these potential <br />tenants are able to live semi - independent <br />lives; they have jobs either in sheltered <br />workshops or at local service providing <br />businesses and they currently live at home <br />(adult children of aging parents) or in group <br />homes (where eight to ten people live <br />together, sharing rooms under constant <br />supportive supervision) or they live in <br />nursing homes because there is no other place <br />for them to go. Some of the potential tenants <br />will need more supervision and support and <br />may have live -in assistance. <br />Both South Bend Heritage and Logan, Inc. <br />have a history of honoring their commitment <br />to maintaining good affordable housing and <br />excellent services to their tenants and clients. <br />The Logan Center Housing Project will <br />receive the full force of this commitment. <br />H:\ HOME\ CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSM101797.MIN -14- <br />