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Avoided Emissions <br />Mike Keen Leaf <br />Total Estimated kWhr/Year <br />1,652 <br />State: <br />IN <br />State Specific Equivalency <br />(Ib/MWh) <br />TTL Annual # <br />Pounds of CO2 <br />. 728 <br />1,203 <br />Pounds of Nox <br />0.5242 <br />1 <br />Pounds of S02 <br />0.3851 <br />1 <br />Pounds of CH4 <br />0.0757 <br />0 <br />Pounds of N20 <br />0.0139 <br />0.0 <br />Pounds of Hg <br />0.00002 <br />0.0000 <br />18 <br />16 <br />14 <br />12 <br />10 <br />8 <br />6 <br />4 <br />2 <br />0 <br />National CO2 Equivalency <br />Annual greenhouse gas emissions for passenger vehicles <br />Gallons of gasoline consumed <br />Barrels of oil consumed <br />Tanker trucks' worth of gasoline <br />Years of electricity use in one home <br />Years of energy use in one home <br />Sequestered carbon by tree seedlings for 10 years <br />Sequestered carbon annually by acres of pine or fir forest <br />Propane cylinders used for home barbeques <br />Burning railcars' worth of coal <br />Tons of recycling of waste instead of send to the landfill <br />Quantity <br />0.22 <br />134.63 <br />2.76 <br />0.02 <br />0.17 <br />0.11 <br />30.40 <br />0.27 <br />49.41 <br />0.01 <br />0.41 <br />Annual Cumulative Greenhouse Gas Equivalency Tons <br />of CO2 <br />1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <br />Equivalency rates are estimates only and are based on the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. <br />