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BILL NO. 74-82 <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING ANI E3TABLISH1tip, AN <br />HISTORIC LANDMARK VNDER GROINANCE W 1514A -i373, <br />AMENDING ZON14G ORDINANICE NO. 6,AS AXIENCED, <br />COPMONLY KI`X!Wtt AS THE ZO4(N(' ORDINANCr Ot" <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIAN!, Ada73F, Rc—,d) <br />WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Coy-Pissiof Souto te,°d <br />and St. josept, County has and pet it!�.-,ed for ;,hc c',--siglat:3n <br />of t'Fe fcj!ow!ng describe." Seal estate as an 4istor1c Lpr.d,m>rk under <br />Ordin-ince 143. 154A-13741, as amended, to wk <br />Sty' SE ex. pts. sold <br />371.70) Ac. <br />S cc. 12-38-3E <br />The improvements located upon said iand can <br />be commonly described as 13271 Adams Road <br />hereinafter referred to as the "PRUERTY." <br />WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Comissicil cf Sout:, Bend <br />and St. Jose^h County has reco-,,rntnded the oesignatior, o.- th--, <br />PROPERTY as an Historic Landmark. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ST. JOSETT'H COUNTY COVIf IL, 1,14PI40: <br />SECTION 1. <br />That the aLove described PROPERTY be, and it is hereby, <br />designated and estatflisFed as an Historic Landmark undfr Ordinance <br />No. 151iA-1973, as amended. <br />SECTION 2. <br />This Ordinance shall k,e in fuli for -.e and effect from and <br />after its passage and approval as required by 1a.+. <br />Member, St. Joseph ',J0,-ft1Y COurlci I <br />Ed READ114G 7 :k 4 <br />PUILIC HEARING PIP <br />2.d READING <br />NOT APPROYTI) <br />REFERUD 7-A-> - YQ A—,I— L4., <br />z JUL IMJUL1682 <br />ti <br />PASSED✓ <br />Cy <br />=PH F, INIAQY <br />r I <br />"') <br />C%j FILED <br />+Ck <br />AUDIT04 <br />EL 3051F" COOJN40ty <br />*- cOLMT co(- <br />an" =-*M <br />e) INDIANA <br />V216'LPX <br />