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or in part, for any reason, if the City determines that such termination is in the best <br />interest of the City. The Organization shall be compensated for completion of the <br />Program properly done prior to the effective date of termination. The City will not be <br />liable for work on the Program performed after the effective date of termination. In no <br />case shall total payment made to the Organization exceed the original Contract Amount. <br />6. Remedies for Breach of Contract. Failure to complete the Program in <br />accordance with this Agreement may be considered a material breach, and shall entitle <br />the City to impose sanctions against the Organization including, but not limited to, <br />suspension of all payments, and/or suspension of the Organization's involvement in the <br />Program, on behalf of the City. The Organization shall repay any portion of the Contract <br />Amount expended for matters not within the scope of the Program or the Budget. <br />Z Maintenance of Records. Access to Records. The Organization shall keep <br />a written record, in a form acceptable to the City, related to the use and expenditure of the <br />Contract Amount. Within thirty (30) days of the expiration or termination of this <br />Agreement, the Organization shall provide the City with a final accounting of the use and <br />disposition of the Contract Amount by the Organization. Unless otherwise authorized by <br />the City or required by law, such records shall be maintained by the Organization for a <br />period of four (4) years of the date of this Agreement. The Organization understands and <br />agrees to comply with the legal requirements of Indiana Code § 5- 14-3 -1 et. seq. <br />(commonly known as Indiana's Access to Public Records Act), if applicable, with respect <br />to all documentation related to the Contract Amount. <br />8. Audit Requirements. The Organization agrees to make all information <br />available to the Indiana State Board of Accounts, the City's Internal Auditor, and the <br />Contract Administrator as requested to comply with any audit requested related to the <br />receipt and use of the Contract Amount and the Organization's performance in delivering <br />the Program in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If requested by the <br />City or the Contract Administrator, the Organization shall provide the City a progress <br />report on the Program. If requested by the City or the City's Internal Auditor, the <br />Organization shall arrange for a financial and compliance audit of the Contract Amount <br />to be conducted by an independent public or certified public accountant (or as applicable, <br />the Indiana State Board of Accounts) and in accordance with applicable Indiana State <br />Board of Accounts standards. The City's Internal Auditor shall mean the City Controller <br />or Acting City Controller appointed pursuant to Indiana Code § 36 -4-9 -6 (the "City <br />Controller ") or any person appointed or retained by the City Controller or the City for the <br />purpose of auditing the Organization for this Agreement or other agreements of the City. <br />9. Conflicts oflnterest. The Organization hereby certifies and agrees that no <br />-member, officer, or employee of the City, or its designees or agents, and no member of <br />the governing body of the City of South Bend or the Organization (and no one with <br />whom there is a family or business tie) who exercises any functions or responsibilities <br />with respect to the receipt and use of the City during his or her tenure or for one year <br />thereafter, shall have any financial benefit, direct or indirect, in any contract or <br />subcontract, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed -in connection with the <br />3 <br />