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Staff Review of the Nomination <br />Of the North Liberty Historic Commercial District <br />To the National Register of Historic Places <br />Historic Name of Property: North Liberty Historic Commercial District <br />District Boundaries: Beginning at the curb of the southwest corner of the <br />intersection of North Main Street and West Harrison Street, face west and <br />continue in a line west to the alley at the rear of the blocks front North Main <br />Street. Turn south and continue south with the east side of the alley to the <br />north curb of West Center Street. Turn east and continue in a line east to a <br />line parallel with North Main Street at the rear of the buildings that front <br />North Main Street on its east side. Turn north and continue in a line north <br />to the south curb of East Harrison Street. Turn west and continue in a line <br />west to the southwest corner of the intersection of North Main Street and <br />West Harrison Street, or to the place of beginning. <br />Date of Review: 21 September 2012 <br />Case Historv: The North Liberty Main Street merchants approved pursuing <br />National Register Nomination of their commercial district at their March <br />2012 quarterly meeting. This action was also unanimously approved by the <br />North Liberty Town Board. Todd Zeiger, Director of the Northern Regional <br />Office of Indiana Landmarks referred the North Liberty Main Street <br />merchants to Partners In Preservation and retained Kurt West Garner of <br />Plymouth, Indiana to evaluate and prepare the National Register <br />Nomination for their Commercial District. The nomination was prepared <br />based on the representation of late 19th to mid 20th commercial architectural <br />styles chronicling the development of the North Liberty Commercial Corridor. <br />Criteria for Evaluation <br />In order to be considered eligible for inclusion in the National Register, an <br />historic property, should be at least 50 years old and must be a possess local, <br />state, or national significance in relation to at least one of these following <br />criteria: <br />