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STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />Date: 30 May 2012 <br />Application Number: 2012-0511 <br />Property Location: 547 River <br />Architectural Style/Date/Architect or Builder: American foursquare1923/Whitcomb & Keller <br />Property Owner: Rochelle Day <br />Landmark or District Designation: Edgewater <br />Rating: Contributing <br />DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE/ SITE: The home is a two storey house set upon a rectangular plan <br />The exterior walls are covered with horizontal aluminum siding while the porch has vertical aluminum <br />sides across the front fagade. The hip roof has asphalt shingles and a wide over hang with aluminum <br />soffit. The full length front porch has brick piers and knee wall that support square wood columns which <br />in turn support the porch roof. The foundation is brick. The windows are double hung 4/1 vertical sash.. <br />ALTERATIONS: The aluminum siding, storm windows and doors are additions. The dormer windows <br />have either been covered up or replaced with the aluminum vent. The roof is a 1998 replacement <br />approved May 28, 1998. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: This is a request to install a fence on the west property line of 547 River <br />Avenue in the Edgewater Historic District Neighborhood, South Bend, The installation details are as <br />follows: Type: Security/Privacy; Properties: Reused Wood Picket Fence; Height 6 feet from the ground; <br />Location/Length: From the back property line to the back, west corner of the house, at approximately <br />597'. Installation: Posted cemented and fence attached to posts by nails. I will be installing the fence <br />with the assistance of my family. <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: The homeowner proposes to erect a privacy fence along <br />the west side of her property per the diagram of the site plan submitted. The photograph that she <br />submitted shows a wood dog eared style privacy fence. The photograph taken by Staff shows the location <br />of the fence as staked out and matching up with the dog eared privacy fence along the alley by the garage <br />in the back yard.. <br />STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: <br />EDGEWATER: <br />B. BUILDING SITE, LANDSCAPING, AND ACCESSORIES <br />Individual properties in the district are characterized by a house located in the center of a flat lawn, often <br />divided by a walk leading to the front entrance. Many properties have a straight driveway along one edge <br />of the lot leading to a garage at the rear of the house. This driveway often has a sidewalk along one side <br />leading to the front entrance either in the center or at the side of the house. Driveway and sidewalk <br />materials include asphalt or concrete. All of the properties have trees; many have trimmed shrubbery and <br />hedges. All of the houses conform to a uniform setback line within each block. <br />Required <br />Existing plants, trees, fencing, walkways, streetlights, signs, and benches which reflect the properties' <br />history and development shall be retained. <br />Recommended <br />New site work should be based upon actual knowledge of the past appearance of the property found in <br />photographs, drawings and newspapers. New site work should be appropriate to existing surrounding <br />site elements in scale, type and appearance. Plant materials and trees in close proximity to the buildings <br />that are causing deterioration to the building's historic fabric should be removed. <br />Prohibited <br />