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SBCSC's debt service fund tax rate ranks 169th out of 336 schools in the state with a debt service <br />tax rate. Department's analysis of debt service fund tax rates for 336 school debt service fund tax <br />rates statewide, June 26, 2008. <br />12. For 2006 -pay -2007, the average total tax rate for schools statewide was $1.5476. SBCSC's <br />total tax rate was $1.5419, which is $0.0057 below the state average. Thus, SBCSC's total tax rate <br />ranks 168th out of 339 schools in the state with a total tax rate. Department's analysis of total tax <br />rates for 339 school total tax rates statewide, June 26, 2008. <br />13. In accordance with IC 20-46-7-10(c), a taxpayer may petition for judicial review of the final <br />determination of the Department. The petition must be filed in the tax court not more than thirty <br />(30) days after the Department enters its order. <br />14. Per IC 20-46-7-14, the Department has reviewed the Schedule of Amortization of the <br />$36,165,000 Principal Amount of Proposed First Mortgage Bonds, Series 2008, and determined that <br />January 15, 2011 will be the date of the first principal payment, and January 15, 2009 will be the <br />date of the first interest payment. SBCSC School Property Tax Control Board Hearing Information <br />Sheet, Additional Information, page 1 of 2, January 22, 2008. <br />15. The Department has received letters of support for the Project; particularly, for the Marquette <br />Primary Center portion of the Project, from City of South Bend Common Council President <br />Timothy A. Rouse, Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, and the County Council of St. Joseph County <br />President Rafael Morton. Letters, June 16-20, 2008. <br />16. In his June 18, 2008 letter to the Department, Mayor Luecke states that "though the original <br />financing documents called for demolition of the current Marquette Primary Center, the School <br />Corp. at my request has agreed to consider alternate uses for that building. It is my preference to <br />save structures when possible and to find suitable alternate uses when the original use is no longer <br />practical:' Mayor Luecke letter to Commissioner Musgrave, June 18, 2008. <br />17. Thus, as a condition of this Order, SBCSC, over the next 12 months, shall work in good faith <br />with the City of South Bend to explore viable alternative uses for the existing Marquette school <br />building. <br />18. Approval of this project; particularly, the portion regarding Marquette Primary Center, is not in <br />any manner an approval of the school's mission to have free instruction for 3- and 4 -year old <br />children in a pre -K Montessori program. The state does not pay for such programs now, and it <br />would take legislative approval for the state to begin paying for such programs. <br />WHEREFORE, based upon the above findings, evidence presented to the Department in case file <br />#08-005, and other records the Department considered relevant, the Department hereby <br />APPROVES: <br />Execution of a lease rental agreement with SBCSC providing for the lease, containing an option to <br />purchase, which provides for the Project described above and in file #08-005. In connection with <br />the undertaking of the Project, the School Corporation will apply a portion of the funds it receives <br />from the sale of the above -referenced schools to the Building Corporation for the cost of any or all <br />or any portion of the improvements to Washington High School and Clay High School described in <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />