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321 East Walter Screat , South Dend, Indiana 46614 i 574-299-4765 <br />Paries kdministration Fax 299-4793 , Recreation r"ax.294-L'784 . . <br />Stephen J. Luecke, Mayor <br />November 18, 2011 <br />Permit' #277 <br />n g'+p, <br />Y14/� V:.11 <br />hal <br />DSr7%1FAIRT :. v.W NT i Tsi�nb'sttt'Yw.w •'"Aaemtl�lalPmMMRi'�1Yxl�C�1Y. <br />Dy wcufive Direofor <br />C hilliy L. vt.'CI,* <br />Departrnent of Public Parks.,South Bend Indiana <br />Susan St. Ville'& Todd Whitmore : <br />1101 Riverside Dr. <br />South Bend, IN 46616 <br />Permission is hereby granted to the above to remove (1) rotten Sugar maple tree in the tree <br />lawn of the property at: <br />1101 Riverside Eir. (on Vasse>r Ave.) <br />: Note: Property Owner's Responsibility. <br />Note: Approval (required fiom South Rend Historic Preservation Commission. <br />Department of Public Parks <br />Brent Vwo npson <br />Brent Thompson, City Forester <br />See, 19-19. Removal of hvardous trees by property owner; order, notice; emergency remo•ial. ' <br />(a) Every owner of real estate within tbo City shall remove or trim any tree or shrub or any part thereof located on <br />such real estate or in -the tree and lawn area in front of such real estate which rrmy be dead, <isnascd, unsightly, in a <br />condition which is Injurious or detrimental to the public bealth and safety or the growth of adjacent trees or which may <br />project over the public street on which such real estate abuts in such to obstruct die free passage of <br />pedestrians and vehicular traffic'on such public streets. <br />(b) The Board of Park Corrunissioners shall have the power and the order and..oquire such owner to <br />remove any such tree or shrub by first'causing notice to be served on such owner in the manner provided in section 19- <br />21 not less than ten (10) days prior to the time designated in such notice for the removal or trimming of such tree or <br />shrub. <br />(c) In case of an immediate necessity for any such removal or trimming by reason of storm or other emergency, such <br />removal or trimming may be done by the Board of Park Commissioners or its Superintendent of Parks, and no notice <br />wbatevet need be given thereof <br />scc 19.15. The Board of Park Commissioners shall have the fight, power and authdrity to: <br />(1) require the owners of parcel's of land bordering on any public street of the City to 3rade, sod, plant and <br />maintain in proper condition the tree lawn area and the street centers in front of tho parcels of land and <br />(2) Require such owners to plant and maintain shade or ornamental trees in such arcae. <br />