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STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />Date: May 8, 2008 <br />Application Number: 2008-0508 <br />Property Location: 1223 E. Wayne Street South <br />Property Owner: Alicia and Joseph Fullenkamp <br />Landmark or District Designation: E. Wayne Street LHD <br />Rating: Contributing - <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE/HISTORIC CONTEXT: This 1927 Colonial Revival house <br />was built for Hazel and Harry Ullery. Mr. Ullery worked at both Studebaker and Oliver Chilled Plow <br />before taking a position as an efficiency engineer for Wilson Brothers Manufacturing Company. He later <br />founded and became president of the Harry D. Ullery Coal and Mason Supplies Company and the Ullery <br />Cold Storage and Warehouse Company. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: Install wood fence, either a Solid Privacy Fence or Villager II style, along north <br />side of property approximate 120', install fend to west side of property approximately 20'; install fence to east <br />side of property approximately 72'. Per site plan and photographs attached.. <br />EAST WAYNE STREET STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: <br />Required <br />Major landscaping items, fencing, walkways, private yard lights, signs (house numbers) and <br />benches which reflect the property's history and development shall be retained. Dominant land <br />contours shall be retained. Structures such as gazebos, patio decks, fixed barbecue pits, swimming <br />pools, tennis courts, greenhouses, new walls, fountains, fixed garden furniture, trellises and other <br />similar structures shall be compatible to the historic character of the site and the neighborhood and <br />inconspicuous when viewed from a public walkway. <br />Recommended <br />New site work should be based upon actual knowledge <br />of the past appearance of the property found in <br />photographs, drawings and newspapers. New site <br />work should be appropriate to existing surrounding <br />site elements in scale, type and appearance. Plant <br />materials and trees in close proximity to the building <br />that are causing deterioration to the building's historic <br />fabric should be removed. However, trees and <br />plant materials that must be removed should be <br />immediately replaced by suitable flora. All high intensity <br />security lights should be approved by the <br />Historic Preservation Commission. <br />Prohibited <br />No changes may be made to the appearance of the <br />site by removing major landscaping items, trees, <br />fencing, walkways, outbuildings or other elements <br />before evaluating their importance to the property's <br />history and development. Front yard areas shall not <br />