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Meteiver: To what ever site it goes to, but Todd is right to landmark the entire site again, land and <br />all structures is a good idea. <br />Zeiger: I think that at some point this could go commercial, maybe not 10 years from now or 20 <br />years from now, but then we've got parking issues to do and sign problems to deal with and so <br />that's my concern. <br />Klusczinski: And then that house will be in the landfill despite this good faith effort in trying to <br />relocate and use it right now. <br />Zeiger: As far as giving up on this corner, I understand their desire not to deal with us on new <br />construction, that's fine. But I think that it's important that we have that historic review on that <br />new site. <br />Klusczinski: Would the applicant be in favor of helping us landmark or re -designate the new site <br />location? <br />Davey: We're talking about the 90 x 260 right? <br />Various Commissioners: Mm-hmm. <br />Zeiger: All we're doing is replicating what we'd done before. <br />Davey: I think that we'd be ok with that. <br />Riley: I have a question, what about his letter that we have from John Oxian from 2001 removing <br />the landmarking of the land. <br />Klusczinski: That's essentially what we're doing right now so that they can pick up the structure <br />and... <br />Hostetler. It's not the same address. <br />Klusczinski: It's an example of a precedent from another case. <br />Riley: Alright. We make things complicated. <br />Klusczinski: Although we really don't try to do that. So for the record, you're willing to make the <br />4`" concession and ask us to re -landmark the new site where the house will be located after it's <br />situated. No objection to that. <br />Hackett: Right and then the release of the previous landmarking on all of that other land? <br />Klusczinski: Right. You have all of that Counselor? <br />Meteiver: I think so! <br />Klusczinski: If there's no other discussion then we move to public hearing. Is there any member <br />of the public wishing to speak in support of the current petition? Hearing none. Is there any <br />member of the public wishing to speak in opposition of the current petition? Also hearing none, <br />Chair closes public hearing. Any final thoughts, Commissioners? Do I hear a motion? <br />Zeiger: I'll move for approval of 2008-0710 as amended and recorded and presented. <br />Klusczinski: Thank you, motion has been made is there a second? <br />Chase: Second. <br />Klusczinski: Motion has been made and seconded. Anything final? All in favor? (Ayes are <br />heard) Opposed? (Silence) Motion carries by 5-0. <br />Moved: Zeiger Second: Chase <br />To approve 2008-0710 as amended Approved 5-0 <br />Application Number: 2008-0715A <br />Property Location: 221 East Navarre <br />Property Owner: Erin and Fred Helman <br />Landmark or District Designation: River Bend LHD <br />Rating: Contributing <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE/HISTORIC CONTEXT: This clapboard and shingle bungalow was <br />built in 1911 by Hammond and Whitcomb who sold it to William Schindler in 1912. Mr. Schindler used it as a <br />rental property until he sold it Earl H Arnold. Bess and Earl Arnold lived there until 1960. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: Install wood grain texture siding on dwelling. "Furnish and install vinyl textured <br />—wood grain clapboard siding Colonial Ivory in color over old wood clapboard. Install vinyl shakes over wood <br />13 <br />