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Riley: To approve, Fni sorry. <br />Patrick: I second. <br />Klusezinski: All in favor? (Ayes are heard) All opposed? (Silence) Motion carries. <br />Move to approve 2007-0214 Moved: Riley Second: Patrick <br />Approved: Unanimously <br />B. LANDMARKS - None <br />C. NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION — None. <br />111. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Minutes of 01/22/07 Moved: Patrick Second: Chase <br />Approved Unanimously. <br />B. TREASURER'S REPORT <br />Location report presented by Catherine Hostetler, as requested by Treasurer Chase. Catherine <br />informed the Commission about an error discovered by the city regarding the $25,000 grant <br />provided to the HPC by the City of South Bend, This "discovery" means the HPC budget will be <br />reduced by $25,000. <br />C. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. Correspondence <br />Director Hostetler apprised the Commission on recent correspondence with The Lester Brock's of <br />Oregon, owners of The Birdsell House, 511 W. Colfax Avenue. HPC correspondence conveyed <br />our concern to them (via email) of the continuing deterioration of their local landmark. <br />Commissioners share that concern and to that end, requested that staff draft a letter to The <br />Brock's regarding said concerns to be sent via certified or registered mail as our Minimum <br />Maintenance Standards prescribe. Letter will be drafted by Director Hostetler and sent as soon as <br />possible. <br />Motion to invoke Moved: Patrick Second: Chase <br />Min Maintenance Standards Procedures Approved Unanimously <br />Director Hostetler also shared a thank you note sent to staff from a prospective home buyer <br />planning a move to South Bend from NYC. <br />2. CoA Approvals <br />As is SOP, a list of staff approved CoWs will be distributed quarterly. <br />3. Director — Catherine Hostetler <br />Director's report was distributed to Commissioners. Director Hostetler reminded Commissioners <br />of the upcoming plant sale/fundraiser on behalf of the Botanical Society. <br />4. Assistant Director — Amy Herdman <br />Report distributed to Commissioners, including information on City Celebration. <br />5. Legal Counsel — Shawn Peterson <br />No report. <br />E, <br />