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Assistant Director's Report <br />April 19th — May 15th . <br />April 24t' School Board Meeting. <br />RE: Superintendent's Facility Plan <br />April 25th Landmarks meeting with Todd. <br />RE: Review of city landmarks and discussion of next steps. <br />Goals: 1.) Increase public knowledge and access to local landmarks and <br />their locations. 2.) Gain better understanding of landmarks and their <br />locations for planning efforts and future local landmark designations. <br />Step One. Map landmarks, coordinate with GIS managers and Area Plan <br />Commission. Step Two. Presentation by Landmarks Committee Chair <br />(Todd) to Commission. Future possibilities: Review new survey for <br />potential landmarks and add to Preservation Plan; Create mobile display of <br />landmarks and history for different venues. i.e. libraries, museums and <br />events Southhold, Preservation Month. <br />April 26th Southhold Awards Committee Meeting. <br />RE: Decided Southhold awardees and heard brief summary of completed <br />planning and tasked to be accomplished before the Breakfast <br />April 29th Southhold Awards Breakfast and Ceremony <br />Competed and successful <br />May 3rd Meeting w/ Lou Sabo <br />RE: Studebaker Stamping Plant Photographic Documentation <br />May 5th RestoreMichiana meeting <br />RE: Review of where the planning is and coordination of volunteers <br />HPC Special Meeting <br />RE: 1013 E. Jefferson Blvd. And Interim Protection <br />May 15th School Board Meeting <br />RE: Always a surprise... <br />Other Projects: <br />Final Stages of Southhold Awards Planning <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Website Maintenance <br />Fact Checking for County Survey <br />Communications with Historic District residents RE: renovation projects and trees <br />Landmark mapping: Using .pdf files from City Survey as the base for the map images, <br />presentation quality images, coordination with other government offices. <br />Job Manual for the Assistant Director Position <br />