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Bob Yapp: Yes, I have. I'm not an appraiser, but I am a historic property developer and I know <br />properties when I see them and this property is highly adaptable to reuse in just about every way you <br />could think of. I just purchased anew home blocks from there, and it just appraised for $363,000 <br />yesterday. <br />John Peddycord: Do you know of anybody or any entity that would purchase this house or even have <br />it gifted to them and invest $268,000 in it and use it today? <br />Bob Yapp: Yes. Absolutely_ __ <br />John Peddycord: Who? <br />Bob Yapp: I have to give you on record who they are? <br />John Peddycord: Yeah, I want you, I asked you. Do you know of any entity or person that would <br />invest $268,000 even if the property were gifted to them? <br />Shawn Peterson: He already answered the question, or at least that it is likely. <br />Bob Yapp: It is highly likely ... Yes, in fact I just purchased my home several blocks from there. <br />Shawn Peterson: Okay, so ... the next section is I would like Commissioner Zeiger in his capacity with <br />Historic Landmarks, his different hat, and you surveyed the property, is you could provide a brief <br />summary as far as your findings of the. property. As far as it's condition and what you experienced. <br />Todd Zeiger: I, excuse me, I'm sorry, I was not prepared for that question. I'll defer to Bob. He's on <br />staff obviously with Historic Landmarks and has done an outstanding job of representing our views <br />on this property so my views really support and mimic what Bob has entered into the record for' <br />Historic Landmarks views on this property. I have toured it. <br />Shawn Peterson: At this point, we will open it from questions from the Commissioners to any of our <br />witnesses that we've had at this point including the staff and various attorneys for each side and if <br />they have any questions of the testimony, we'll be able to do that at this time. <br />Todd Zeiger: I have a clarification question for you. Obviously, I'm abstaining from the vote. I have <br />a number of questions though as a Commission member I would like to ask. <br />Shawn Peterson: You should abstain from the discussions immediately preceding the vote. That's <br />that point at which you would abstain... <br />Todd Zeiger: I can ask questions now? <br />Shawn Peterson: You may ask questions from any point of view. <br />Mary Jane Chase: You have owned the property for ten years, when that was purchased was the <br />property examined as to the condition? <br />John Peddycord: I'm sure it was, because in fact we noted_ earlier that Mr. Diedrich appraised the <br />property. He had appraised not only the gatehouse but he appraised the entire cemetery. Did you <br />not? <br />Bernard Diedrich: Not the gravesites. <br />23 January 2006 HPC Meeting Minutes [Corrected Version] <br />TZ <br />