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E. MECHANICAL SERVICES <br />The majority of the structures within the district have oil or gas heat, and have brick chimneys through <br />the roof. Some houses have one or two window air conditioners. <br />Required <br />Required mechanical systems shall be placed in areas that will result in the least possible alteration of <br />the structural integrity and physical appearance of the building. <br />Recommended <br />Solar collectors and TV dishes should be placed in the rear of the property and shielded by shrubbery <br />and landscaping. Window air conditioners and exhaust fans should be installed at the rear or an <br />inconspicuous side window. Original lighting fixtures should be utilized whenever possible. <br />Prohibited <br />Holes shall not be cut through walls or roofs in areas that can be seen from the street to accommodate <br />air conditioners or other mechanical equipment. <br />Not Recommended <br />Exterior electrical and telephone cables should not be attached to the street elevations of the building. <br />III. NEW CONSTRUCTION <br />New construction includes any new building or structure built within the boundaries of the historic <br />district, or any new addition to an existing building. New construction should be designed considering <br />the appearance, scale, styles, and setbacks of the other buildings in the neighborhood. New work may <br />be contemporary or may suggest motifs from historic buildings in the district. <br />A. HEIGHT AND PROPORTION <br />The majority of the structures in the district are two stories in height, and have square or rectangular <br />plans. There are several houses that have "L" or "T" shaped or rambling ground plans.. There are a <br />few single story cottages and one and one and a half story bungalows. The most prevalent facade <br />proportions are: 1:1 and 1:2, height to width ratios. <br />Required <br />The height of a new structure and its height to width proportions shall be consistent with adjacent <br />buildings in the district. The building height shall be no greater than that of the tallest existing structure <br />and no less than that of the lowest existing structure in the same block. Facade proportion shall be <br />established by permitting no structure with a facade wider or narrower than those existing in the same <br />block. Additions to existing buildings shall be related in height and proportion to the existing structure. <br />Recommended <br />Design of new construction should be compatible in character and mood to the building or <br />neighborhood. <br />Prohibited <br />Additions that would add new height or change the existing fagade of a building and change its scale <br />and architectural character shall not be constructed. <br />Page 11 of 26 <br />