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WAYNE DOOLITTLE: I would like to give you my time line of what happened. <br />Every year as you know I walk through every district. I take photographs of things that <br />seem to be in need of repair and I make a report on it. I did this on July 10th and July <br />11th. I have been doing this for four years. I do it the same way with people all the time. <br />When I take pictures of peoples' homes, I really hope that we can get together and talk <br />about why I am taking pictures. I have had many people ask me why I am taking it and I <br />tell them why. We're doing it as a record to see if that district is going up or if it is going <br />down. I was also given some opportunity to write letters to people and to tell them about <br />problems they might not even know they have: <br />At this particular time, John came out and we talked about it. I noticed that they had <br />the new Scamozzi at one end; which I thought looked rather striking, and I mentioned <br />that. We were talking about the one that had been broke. That one he said we are going <br />to get repaired, that was July 11th: I give everyone my card and say if we can be of any <br />assistance to you please give us a call; we can often times find things for you because we <br />deal with a lot of different people. That's the way I left it. <br />So, I was under the understanding that one was going to be repaired. I would <br />certainly have been happy to talk with them at any time about the problems that they had. <br />So as far as I was concerned this was a problem thatwas going to be solved. I told the <br />other staff the same thing when I printed the photographs and how pleased they were to <br />be able to go ahead and get it fixed. They said that one had been repaired and it was put <br />in. When I am taking photographs, everybody knows we're in the district and that's why <br />I am taking those photographs. I don't think there should be any mistake why I am doing <br />what I am doing. I am happy to talk to everybody because it gives me an opportunity to <br />try to come to some resolution and to try and help people come to a good conclusion. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Were they going to change all of them to Doric? <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: They did. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: ' I thought you said there was a Scamozzi left: <br />WAYNE DOOLITTLE: There was a new one, and the one in the middle was all ready <br />there, and the one on the South side of the house was broken in half. Then there are two <br />other half Scamozzis that were on half pillars embedded to the house. They were fine <br />and the one in the center was fine. What really needed to be done, they had so many <br />coats of paint on them that you needed to take some paint off in order to get a better look. <br />I found at least three companies that manufacture Scamozzis and they ranged from; well I <br />found more than that; but, the more reasonable ones were like $265.00 to $365.00 dollars. <br />There were some that were a $1,000.00 dollars and I immediately discounted those. <br />Many of them come in halves so you're able to rise them up and hook them in otherwise <br />you would have a big problem because of the shaping of the Scamozzi. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: I was confused if you had said they had Scamozzis and <br />changed to Doric. <br />WAYNE DOOLITTLE: Yes: <br />MARY JANE CHASE: That wasn't at all in the original C of A to do anything? <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: There wasn't an original C of A, it was after the fact. <br />WAYNE DOOLITTLE: They also had a great deal of work that was'done without a <br />building permit which is required by the city. Over at least $2,000.00 dollars worth of <br />work done again on the original before we came to the district may really have an impact <br />on this; but, every contractor should know that it does require a building permit for any of <br />5 <br />