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Catherine passed out the upcoming HPC events, and noted that the Commission retreat is scheduled <br />for February 2"d with the location to be announced. <br />She also reported on the recent correspondence from South Bend's Community Development (CD), <br />which requests the demolition of the landmarked Burke Building, 1019 S. Michigan Avenue. There <br />will be a meeting scheduled to review the building and to meet with CD, the Urban Enterprise Assoc, <br />and the South Gateway Assoc. One interesting point to note is the recent sale of the vacant lot across <br />Garst Street from this building to Real Services. <br />- -- 2: Assistant Director's Report <br />Julie reported the progress of the three outstanding guidebooks, and announced that she is applying to <br />Graduate School for the Fall of 2006. <br />3. Legal Report <br />There was no report given. Open Door Law report still in progress. <br />IV. OLD BUSINESS <br />1. Chapin Park Standards and Guidelines, Taylor's Field and LWE <br />(Report was already given under staff reports.) <br />V. NEW BUSINESS <br />1. Officer Election <br />(Election of officers occurred under Committee Reports — Nominating Committee.) <br />2. Committee Appointments. <br />(Committee Appointments were provided under Committee Reports — President's Report.) <br />3. Retreat <br />The retreat will take place on Feb. 2"d from 7 to 9 pm. The location had not been decided. <br />VL HEARING OF VISITORS <br />Don Sporleder noted that the AIA Northern Chapter will celebrate its 150`'' anniversary in 2007. <br />VII. ADJOURNMENT <br />Catherine Hostetler moved to adjourn the meeting. Joann Sporleder seconded the motion and it <br />passed unanimously at 9:35 pm. <br />Attest: <br />A. <br />7 Secreta <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />South Bend & Saint Joseph County <br />23 January Meeting Minutes [Corrected Version] 29 <br />Date <br />