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John Peddycord: Several personally that I have been involved with. <br />Lynn Patrick: In you capacity as a counselor, working in, representing a client who owns a historic <br />structure. <br />John Peddycord: I have never represented a client in historic ... I was very involved as Todd knows.:. <br />Lynn Patrick: Thank you. <br />John Peddycord: .on their restoration of their current office, regional office, also the other building, <br />I can't think of the, the home. In fact my clients purchased the home and Historic Landmarks sold it <br />to them and restored it. Actually, it was a joint effort was it not, Todd, between my client, the home? <br />Todd Zeiger: Give me a street. <br />John Peddycord: The home on the north side of the river just east of Michigan. <br />Todd Zeiger: The showhouse. <br />John Peddycord: It was the showhouse, a Prairie style house. - I was involved in that as well. <br />Shawn Peterson: Are there any other questions? ' Okay, then, I'll close this portion and open it to <br />members of the public. Are there any members of the public who wish to speak for or against this <br />proposed Certificate of Appropriateness? Seeing one. Please, again, I ask that you keep your <br />comments brief. <br />Don Sporleder: I am Don Sporleder, professor emeritus of architecture at the University of Notre <br />Dame, and Sporleder Architects, and have been involved in historic preservation in practice and <br />would just simply like to take a few moments to speak to the issue and speak in support of its <br />preservation. It is a landmark, and I think the notes presented by Bob Yapp, I certainly concur with <br />those, and they are in order; but the other aspects and I would put to the owner a question that one of <br />the Commissioners I think noted: but it does seem to me, there are other adaptive uses that are quite <br />consonant with what the cemetery is about, and that that facility has the potential of housing <br />effectively and having a reasonable economic investment, uses that would serve well, that whether it <br />is was a chapel or even" a gatehouse, which it is, and bringing to mind what the uses are involved in <br />that arena. It does seem to me that there are some aspects that have not been explored or presented as <br />even been looked at or considered as to how these uses, which are consistent with what a cemetery <br />should be about: a gatehouse, controls, even housing of its personal, but the idea, the notion of having <br />it serve effectively those aspects that the chapel, which in Highland are across the way, as the <br />mausoleum is developed, the columbarium notion, the fact that there is the old gate and the covered <br />porte cochere that exists. It does look as if there are some aspects that would make it serve well its <br />original uses and maybe adaptive uses are looked at. These might be explored in more depth by the <br />owner, and keep it as a landmark that serves well the community. Thank you. <br />Shawn Peterson: Are there any other members of the public who wish to speak at this time? Seeing <br />none, I will close the public hearing portion of this Certificate of Appropriateness is now closed. The <br />Chair will now recognize any Commission members who wish to deliberate or raise any points <br />related to it. Please, after this is closed, then we will move to the voting section, but primarily this <br />portion, as you know, is to relay history, or aspects you've done in the past or things that might be <br />relevant to a vote on this matter open and in the public. <br />[Todd Zeiger recuses himself and leaves the room.] <br />23 January 2006 HPC Meeting Minutes [Corrected Version] <br />24 <br />