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5. 2006 - 0224 -02 Shetterley Park <br />The Chair recognized Catherine Hostetler to read the staff report. <br />Lynn Patrick: The Chair recognizes the presenters of the application, Jason Durr, the representative <br />of the City and Steve Ernst, Christopher Burke Engineers. <br />Jason Durr: As Steve is handing out those planting plans, I would like to reiterate that this is an <br />emergency project with serious health and environmental issues that could potentially cause some <br />serious erosion problems along the riverbank and again it is unfortunately another location of the odor <br />problems that have been occurring in the neighborhood. The proposal is to repair the brick outfall <br />pipe, stabilize the bank, and als i ns t all a flapper valve gate. Basically, itlooks _like a duckbill <br />that would prevent the gases from escaping at that location. We would then close one additional <br />location where sewer gases are escaping. One of the issues, I know, has to do with the large swath of <br />plantings that we would have to remove to provide the access ramp to get down to the outfall. <br />Unfortunately, the existing grading will not allow us to safely bring equipment down that hill. We <br />asked Christopher Burke Engineers to look at the hill and come up with an appropriate method to <br />maintain a maximum of a 20% slope. We looked at several different routes and came up with this <br />route to minimize the tree removal and planting removal. And as Catherine mentioned in the report, it <br />is our intention to replant the area with seedlings and ground cover. We also propose to plant a <br />number of trees, granted they are now two -inch to three -inch caliper trees, but we are looking at a <br />Bald Cypress tree and a Sycamore tree to try to screen the entrance to the permanent access way. We <br />ask that this permanent access way remain for us to maintain the outfall structure. We do have a CSO <br />crew that is constantly out maintaining our CSOs and we don't want to go back in and wipe out <br />seedlings or trees if we again have problems with that outfall. We are proposing the 12' permanent <br />path that would have the low ground cover that would protect the bank and also provide us with an <br />area where we could take a truck down there or some equipment in order to repair the pipe or replace <br />the flapper valve at the end of the outfall. <br />Lynn Patrick The Chair recognizes Commissioners with questions. I'll go first. Was this a long -term <br />maintenance issue that just came to a head? What precipitated the emergency? <br />Jason Durr: We did some inspection along the edges of the river. We had to do an outfall inspection <br />for our CSO long -term control plan. We found a couple locations, CSO #6 being one of them. Since <br />the slope is so steep at that location, found that the slope was destabilizing and after some further <br />inspection by Christopher Burke found that the pipe itself, the structural integrity of it was in <br />question. The concern became, I don't want to use the word catastrophic, but it potentially could take <br />the hillside down if that pipe were to fail. So instead of reacting we wanted to be proactive and repair <br />this and of course there is the odor issue and we thought we could get two birds with one stone. <br />Joann Sporleder: I've been speaking to some of the neighbors along the way there and it is my <br />understanding that this has been an emergency thing since at least 2000 so it's not really an <br />emergency emergency. The notion of designating an emergency is a way in a sense to avoid public <br />hearings, as I understand the procedure from the Army Corp of Engineers. It has nothing to do with <br />you but is a requirement of those agencies that regulate these things. <br />Jason Dun: We are required to make notification, which we have done. <br />Joann Sporleder: But there was notice at least six years ago that this was also an emergency and <br />nothing much has been done about it since and I think that some people in the audience might address <br />that more fully. <br />March 20, 2006 HPC Minutes Monthly .doc [Preliminary] Page 5 <br />