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Timothy Klusczinski: Specifically, you mentioned that it would be impossible to finish the roof <br />properly around the three chimneys proposed for removal and maybe you could just help explain that <br />for me. Obviously, when the people put the roof on 130 years ago were able to do it. I know it would <br />be easier with the chimney removal. <br />Gary Van Overberghe: My thoughts are that since these chimneys are not original to the existing <br />structure that as they brought the chimney up through the'roof, they flashed it properly. I would have <br />to remove the chimney down to the point where it emerges from the roof and the existing trough . <br />system and as I, build the chimney up install the flashing and counter - flashing as I go. There's not <br />enough space to properly install the flashing materials needed. The mansard roof is almost a vertical <br />structure next to the chimney. There's not enough space to properly to install the flashing material <br />nee <br />The Chair recognized any members of the public who wished to speak. Seeing none, the Chair closed <br />the public hearing portion and opened the issue for discussion among Commissioners. <br />Joann Sporleder stated her wish to clarify again that this issue is before the Commission because it is <br />a fagade easement and not a local landmark. <br />The Chair closed the discussions portion of the meeting and asked for a motion. <br />Timothy Klusczinski moved to accept application 2006 - 0307 -02 with the color change for the two <br />rows of the roof slates. Mary Jane Chase seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. <br />4. 2006 -0306A Leeper Park West <br />Lynn Patrick: The Chair recognizes Catherine Hostetler who read the staff report. <br />The Chair recognized Jason Durr, the City of South Bend: As Catherine mentioned, this is a storm <br />water /sewer separation project from Navarre to the river on Lafayette. We brought a display. The <br />outfall pipe will be near the existing river crossing and will need to be stabilized in the river and we'll <br />have a backflow preventor on it that will provide some protection from river water reentering the <br />system and it will also provide a closure point so that sewer gases will not be able to escape from that <br />point. We have one tree that will be in the way of the outfall pipe that will have to be removed. We <br />intend on replacing that tree in -kind. We will work with the Forester, Brent Thompson, on an <br />appropriate tree to be placed back there. The sidewalk on the east side, we are trying to do some <br />connectivity of the existing sidewalk south of Park Lane. I believe there is a worn path on the east <br />side. We just would like to provide that to allow for pedestrian access in that area. We are also to <br />proposing to bring in the curbs in that intersection, try to reduce the amount of asphalt in that <br />intersection. It reduces the amount of hard surface in the intersection, a little more green space, but it <br />also will slow down vehicles that make that turn at high rates of speed. One other item that wasn't <br />mentioned is the intersection at Navarre and Lafayette. It is currently a brick intersection. It is the <br />City's intention to remove the brick and replace that brick in the intersection. We are also indicating <br />a crosswalk that will be delineated with a stamped, colored crosswalk with two concrete headers. The <br />reason we chose that instead of utilizing the existing brick is mostly for ADA requirements. I'm not <br />saying that it can't be done but brick has the tendency to'more heave a little bit more that concrete <br />and there is the potential to cause a heaved brick that might become a trip hazard in that crosswalk. <br />With the stamped, colored crosswalk you keep the aesthetic character of the crosswalk while also <br />providing a smoother surface. It will have a grooved edge, but this is minor compared to possibility <br />of a heaved brick. <br />March 20, 2006 HPC Minutes_Monthly .doc [Preliminary] Page 3 <br />