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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />OF SOUTH BEND & SAINT JOSEPH COUNT - ' <br />August 21, 2006 <br />4" Floor Council Chambers <br />County — City Building, South Bend, Indiana <br />Members Present: Lynn Patrick LP[President], Mary Jane Chase MJC[Secretar q, Catherine Hostetler CH, <br />Martha Choitz MC, Linda Riley LR, Joann Sporleder JS,[Architectural Historian], Jerry Ujdak JU, <br />Staff Present: Catherine Hostetler CH [Director], Amy Herdman AH [Asst. Director], <br />Others Present: Don Sporleder <br />Absent: Shawn Peterson SP [Legal Counsel], Tim Klusczinski TK [Treasurer], TI dd Zeiger TZ [Vice President] <br />I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL: Lynn Patrick called the meeting to or ler at 7:30pm <br />ii. PUBLIC HEARING <br />A. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />None on the agenda. <br />B: LANDMARKS <br />1. 1013 East Jefferson — Second Reading <br />CH. We have the landmark agreement signed off on by.. <br />JS: Signed on or signed off ? <br />CH. She's signed off on the form; she signed on the dotted line, on the lat dmarks form- the <br />owner Serena Howley. <br />MC: May I make a motion that we pass this on to the Common Council for approval? <br />CH. Yes, you may. <br />JS: I'll second that motion. <br />LP: All in favor? (Ayes are heard) Opposed? (Silence) <br />Moved: MC Second: JS Vote: 7 -0 Unanimous <br />LP: Oh yes, I'm sorry, we were so eager to begin that we did not do our roll call. <br />Roll call followed as recorded above. <br />LP: I'd like to make a motion that the roll call be included in the beginning of the minutes of <br />this meeting, even though we started.... <br />JU: Second <br />LP: All in favor? (Ayes are heard) Opposed? (Silence) <br />Moved: LP Second: JU Vote: 7 -0 Unanimous <br />LR: Could I make a suggestion? On the second reading, could you mention t.le address? <br />CH. I did. 1013 E Jefferson. <br />LP: Did you mean mentioned on the minutes or in her verbal statement? <br />LR: Both. <br />JS: Once it's sent to Council, then they'll send it back...? <br />CH.- Right. <br />LP: Ok. <br />CA We have a proposal for anew landmark that's come before us. And we were approached by <br />the homeowners and they requested that we investigate whether or not their property was eligible <br />and met the three criteria mentioned in the Ordinance for land marking. Staff reviewed what we <br />have which are the survey cards and the assessor cards, which is all that the off °e has. <br />LP: Is this on Forest Avenue? <br />