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Multifamily to "MU" Mixed Use, property located at 316 Williams; 318, 320, 322, 324 <br />and 326 W. Madison Street, City of South Bend -APC# 2336-05. <br />This is an area that is right on the extreme southern border of the newly created <br />Chapin Park Local Historic District and the National Register District. The Tooleys are <br />concerned with this row of houses, which are residential houses. That all of the work <br />that's gone into making that area residential is now going to be thrown to the wind if they <br />allow putting in a mixed use with offices on the bottom floors and residential at the top. <br />They have concerns about parking and they have concerns about the fact that there's <br />already mixed use going on, on the other side of that block which is vacant. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I will make a motion regarding the suggested zoning of 316 <br />Williams and 318, 320, 322, 324, and 326 W. Madison Street. All of these properties are <br />opposite of a historic district, and it would have a negative impact on the residential <br />character to rezone it to mixed use. This would have a very detrimental effect on the <br />residential character of the historic district, which is a residential district. <br />DIANE WROBEL-ILLES: Seconds the motion and it passed unanimously. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: The second issue is: should the Commission lend its <br />support to Jeff Gibney's and Charlotte Pfeifer's opposition to the continued location of <br />the Catholic Workers' Houses on West Washington. <br />This issue has been in the paper and has been hotly contested. Apparently, on West <br />Washington, which is an area that Historic Preservation Commission has been active in <br />with its landmarks; the city has been active in trying to stabilize; and South Bend <br />Heritage has been active in, the Catholic Church has put in several group homes for <br />indigent men - a place that they can come and take showers, get something to eat, pick up <br />mail, phone calls, and stay over night if they want to. This is in a residential area that's <br />single-family or multi -family, so this is not advisable. It hasn't been rezoned. It is a code <br />issue, and it is being hotly contested right now. Jeff Gibney had a very extensive article <br />in the editorial section of the paper concerning this. We have a stake in this simply <br />because a number of our more prominent landmarks are along West Washington Street. <br />A number of Bed and Breakfast Inns have had their business go away because their <br />patrons have been accosted by panhandlers from the Catholic Workers' Houses. These <br />are landmarks and this jeopardizes their ability to maintain their businesses. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I move to lend support to Jeff Gibney's and Charlotte Pfeifer's <br />opposition to the continued location of the Catholic Workers' Houses located on West <br />Washington. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: The third issue is: as you know, the Studebaker <br />Buildings are going to come down and the staff would like to retain the services of Mr. <br />Lou Sabo to document the 4 Studebaker Buildings, interior and exterior, scheduled for <br />demolition in high quality black and white photographs. Estimated cost $1,000-1,500.00. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I so move. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />B. Assistant Director's Report <br />JULIE SCHUTTE: (See brown copy of Assistant Director's Report attached to HPC <br />meeting binder). <br />C. Inspector's Report — Taylor's Field LHD <br />W <br />