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resolution amending the Commission's by-laws. I will not read the entire resolution. I <br />will ask that the resolution itself be attached to the minutes. I would like to go through <br />the resolution and explain and take any questions on the changes that are being proposed. <br />The only by-law that is being affected by the proposed change is Article 7. Section 1 <br />under Article 7 is being proposed for amendment to state that, "each committee shall be <br />chaired by a member of the Commission who shall be appointed by the President," <br />and the most significant changes in the composition of the membership which is now <br />limited by implication to members of the commission itself. So the proposed change in <br />Section 1 is that, "membership on the South Bend and St. Joseph County Historic <br />Preservation Committee is not a prerequisite for membership on standing <br />committees. Standing Committee members may be selected from interested and <br />knowledgeable citizens of South Bend and St. Joseph County, and Committee <br />members shall report to the Commission President." There is no change in Section 2 <br />of Article 7. There has been a new section added to the resolution, which is Section 3. <br />This section creates an Advisory Board, and reads To assist the Commission and its <br />staff in fulfilline the Commission's mission and effectiveness in the communitv. an <br />Advisory Board is established. This Advisory Board shall be comprised of persons <br />who are interested in or knowledeeable of the history of the Citv of South Bend and <br />St. Joseph Countv and/or interested in or knowledeeable of desien. architecture, <br />real estate. cultural value and historic Dreservation activities. Commission staff <br />may serve as members of the Advisory Board. <br />The Advisory Board shall be aoaointed by the Commission. and Board <br />members shall serve a term of three vears, but may be elieible for reaDDointment at <br />the end of each term. No opinion or recommendation made by the Advisory Board <br />shall constitute official action of the Commission nor shall it bind the Commission in <br />anv way. The Advisory Board members shall meet as thev deem aoorooriate. but <br />shall notifv the Commission President at least ten days in advance of anv such <br />meetine. <br />Those are the changes that are being proposed tonight. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: Why exactly are these changes being proposed? <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: I think it was the consensus of the commission that you wanted <br />to expand your committees perhaps to get a panel or a group of interested people who <br />might ultimately serve on the commission itself and then just to bring in more expertise <br />and information from the community. The same thing would apply for the Advisory <br />Board, which would be another group that may provide information and community input <br />and ideas to the commission. <br />TODD ZIEGER: Is there a typo in Section 1 of Article 7 of the proposed amendment? <br />Shouldn't it say, "Membership on the South Bend and St Joseph County Historic <br />Preservation Commission is not a prerequisite for membership on standing <br />committees?" <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Yes, it should. <br />There was a brief discussion between commission members and Aladean DeRose <br />regarding the Advisory Board and its purpose. <br />6 <br />