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Enclosures <br />1. 9/17/04: Estimate for 12" Scamozzi column tops. This fiber glass imitation could <br />not be made to fit. Even if it had fit, five of them would have cost $1, 510.00 <br />2. 11/3/05: Invoice for work done to date on installation of Tuscan Doric capitals <br />and related work to columns and porch: $2,302 <br />3. 11/3/05: Estimate of what the cost would be to tear out work just completed and <br />begin again with imitation Scamozzi: $4,353. <br />4. Nine Photographs. Porch, columns and capitals at 840 Park Ave. after the <br />structural work on the capitals had been finished. <br />5. Nine Photographs of Chris McLaren house next door at 844 Park Ave. showing <br />Doric capitals. This house was built two years before ours, in 1904. <br />6. Four Photograph of Khristin Shrader-Frechette house next door at 838 Park Ave. <br />showing Doric capitals. This house was built in 1897. <br />Seven Photographs of Robert Rodes house at 846 Park Ave. showing Doric <br />capitals. Bob Rodes is not sure when his house was built, but it was roughly at the <br />time of ours. <br />8. Passage on the eclectic character of Queen Anne style domestic architecture from <br />the Dictionary of Architecture, Oxford University Press. <br />