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Cornelius O'Brien Conference on Historic Preservation <br />October 281h to October 30th <br />Report on the talks that I attended <br />THE ART OF CONSULTING WITH YOUR RETAILERS <br />Presented by Rick Segel, Rick Segel Associates <br />Excellent presentation. In fact I did leave my business card for <br />information on doing a presentation in South Bend. Did receive a call <br />and have prices for lectures. Price is less for city associations like <br />DTSB or city. <br />List of upcoming types of business to open <br />HOME D$COR, FURNITURE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE <br />HOME FROM PLANTING, CRAFTS & HOBBIES, SCRAP <br />BOOKS, QUILTING (REAL BIG), GIFTS ETC. <br />CONFECTIONS WAS NUMBER ONE <br />Housing above stores <br />Create your own brands <br />Mark downs <br />On line <br />Phone ordering <br />Catalogs <br />Know your position in the market and surrounding competition <br />People are turning to independent businesses <br />Always have a specialty item to mention or show when ever anyone <br />comes into the store. <br />Always complement the customer even if it is difficult to find <br />something <br />Figure ratio of overhead, inventory and profit <br />ISSUES IN HERITAGE TOURISM WE ALL ATTENDED <br />Main speakerDeborah Doyle-Schechtman from Vermont <br />