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them not to. So, we are going to be working with them a little bit more closely. They <br />have a meeting again tomorrow night. I have given John a copy of what I have received <br />from their committee meeting last week that we weren't invited to. I have talked to one <br />of the committee members, Mrs. Sandusky, last week about what they were doing and <br />how they were approaching this and it was just getting to be too detailed. <br />LYNN PATRICK: Well, let's monitor this situation and see what happens. I suspect a <br />hidden agenda. <br />JOHN OXIAN: They still have to come before the commission to have anything <br />approved; we're still the final judges. <br />D. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. C of A Approvals; Correspondence <br />A. Director's Report <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: (See yellow copy of director's report in meeting packet, <br />South Bend's Historic Districts Pamphlet, and map of Memorial Drive and Bartlett street <br />on -site improvements.) <br />B. Assistant Director's Report — (Kessler Seminar, Web Page <br />Update) <br />JULIE SCHUTTE: (Refer to purple copy of Kessler Seminar report in meeting packet, <br />and purple copy of staff report concerning HPC web page update in meeting packet). <br />2. Legal (Nothing to report at this time) <br />IV. OLD BUSINESS <br />LYNN PATRICK: It has been pointed out to me before and we talked about moving <br />our meetings to the fourth floor; but, we have never actually had a formal vote on the <br />matter. So, I would like to make a motion that we move our meeting to the Common <br />Council Chambers on the forth floor with the exception of those times when we are <br />superceded by other meetings that the council or city might have in which case we would <br />return to these spacious quarters on the 7` floor to have our meeting. <br />GERALD UJDAK: Seconds the motion; the motion passed 4 in favor and 3 opposed. <br />Joann Sporleder, Martha Choitz, Catherine Hostetler opposed the motion. <br />V. NEW BUSINESS <br />LYNN PATRICK: There was a big article in the paper today about the Morris <br />University Club. Are we doing anything with that property at all? <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: We submitted a letter to the Club Board back in <br />December, 2004 to make the University Club into a landmark; but, we have not received <br />an answer from them. The University Club is not the owner of the building; Notre Dame <br />is. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Catherine, what else have you been able to find out about the business <br />on the corner of Gumwood? <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: When I spoke with Jim Meese, a broker for FM Stone, <br />last week he told me that he was planning on coming to this meeting tonight; but, he <br />didn't show up. When I talked to him I explained to him the layers of protection that <br />were on the property. He is representing a developer who wants to buy the property and <br />bulldoze it. I informed him that he could not do that because the property has the same <br />amount of protection on it as the Moms Civic does and the commission would have a <br />hard time allowing anything like that to happen. He then asked me if we could de- <br />landmark the property. I told him that I would send him all of the information on how <br />