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I Diane Wrobel-Illes: Of the routes under consideration, route E -s is to be preferred, <br />2 for the reasons stated by Joann Sporleder and Virginia O'Hair. <br />3 Gerald Ujdak: Of the routes under consideration, route C -s is to be preferred over <br />4 the others, for the reasons previously stated by Martha Choitz, and also because of the <br />5 probable impact of increased non -local traffic on Michigan Street, which could so impede <br />6 local traffic as to impede profitable business from operating in the historic buildings located <br />7 along Michigan Street. <br />8 <br />9 2. ROUTE RECOMMENDATIONS OR COMMENTS <br />10 Following additional discussion, and upon motion by Joann Sporleder, seconded by Catherine <br />11 Hostetler, and carried unanimously, the HPC directed staff to prepare a Resolution of the <br />12 Commission, to be transmitted over the director's signature, stating that proposed route E -s <br />13 appears to have the least detrimental impact upon historic preservation, stating the reasons for <br />14 that conclusion, and attaching a minority report supporting route C -s, and stating the reasons <br />15 for supporting that route. <br />16 <br />17 3. DEVELOP LIST OF SITES TO CONSIDER FOR LOCAL LANDMARK PROPOSAL <br />18 After considering staff recommendations and comments, the HPC by motion of <br />19 Virginia O'Hair, seconded by Catherine Hostetler, voted to direct staff to prepare local <br />20 landmark reports and recommendations for the following properties: <br />21 1. The Peter Schafer farm and farmhouse, 18799 Roosevelt Road, South Bend, <br />22 IN 46614, Center Township; <br />23 2. The Conrad Schafer farmstead, 64154 Miami Road, Bremen, IN 46506, Union <br />24 Township; <br />25 3. The David Court — Delbert Schafer dairy farm and farmhouse, 18681 Osborne <br />26 Road, Lakeville, IN 46536, Union Township <br />27 4. The round barn at 69490 Juniper Road, Bremen, IN, 46506 Union Township; <br />28 5. The Arts & Crafts style home at 20909 Ireland Road, South Bend, IN 46614, <br />29 Center Township. <br />30 <br />31 4. DEVELOP LIST OF SITES TO CONSIDER FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE NATIONAL <br />32 REGISTRY OF HISTORIC PLACES <br />33 After considering staff recommendations and comments, the HPC by motion of Lynn <br />34 Patrick, seconded by Joann Sporleder, voted to direct staff to prepare national registry <br />35 recommendations and draft nominations, for the following properties: <br />4 <br />