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John H. Oxian, President <br />South Bend and St. Joseph County <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />227 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD. <br />SOUTH BEND, IN 46601-1830 <br />Thone:574-235-9798 Fax: 574-235-9578 <br />e-mail: <br />A Certified Local Government Karen R. Hammond -Nash, Director <br />Friday, July 18, 2003 <br />Ms. Cynthia A. Bodle, President <br />St. Joseph County Board of Commissioners <br />Mr. Rafael Morton, President <br />St. Joseph County Council <br />RE: 2004 Budget <br />Dear Commission & Council Presidents: <br />In past years, there was a line item in our budget for "Historic Preservation" (Acct. No. <br />39211). My understanding is that it was primarily used for activities related to community educa- <br />tion and outreach. As recently as 1999 and 2000, the amounts budgeted for that line item were in <br />the range of $20,000 to $30,000. Former director J. Edward Talley used that account mostly to <br />transfer funds to other accounts, which may be why he or you decided to make it an empty account <br />for the years 2001 and 2002. This is, as you know, not the only financial management decision of <br />his with which the HPC now has problems. <br />In our 2003 budget request last year, we sought to re -fund that account, though only for <br />$3,000, and we proposed that our Auto Lease account (No. 37100) be decreased by $3,000, so that <br />our total budget for the year 2003 would not increase over the 2002 budget. Our Auto Lease ac- <br />count was accordingly reduced, but our Historic Preservation account evidently remained at Zero. <br />It is the philosophy and belief of the HPC that we have an obligation to provide information <br />to the community actively as well as passively. We do maintain a small library of useful books, <br />and we regularly publish brochures. However, these are passive things, which citizens generally <br />obtain only if they come seeking them, and too often people only find out that we are an available <br />source of information after we have accused them of some violation, or blocked them from doing <br />something they want to do. For these reasons, it is important to the HPC that we be, again, allo- <br />cated a budget line for community outreach and education in historic preservation. <br />We are seeking restoration of the $3,000 to our budget, which will actually just bring the <br />non -salary portion of our budget up to its 2002 amount. If, however, that is not possible, we would <br />ask that we still be allowed at least $1,570 in Account No 39211 (Historic Preservation), and that <br />our Account No. 39750 (Data Processing) be reduced to $ 3,570, from its present amount of <br />$5,000. That would keep our budget at its 2003 level, about $3,000 less than its 2002 level. <br />You , <br />Karen R. Hammond -Nash, <br />Director <br />COMMISSIONERS <br />Mary Jane Chase Virginia O'Hair (Secretary) Gerald Ujdak (Vice President) <br />Martha Choitz Lynn A. Patrick Diane Wrobel-Illes <br />Catherine Hostetler (Treasurer) Joann Sporleder (Architectural Historian) John Livingston (Attorney) <br />