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Volume 1, Issue 1 <br />HPC WELCOMES NEW LOCAL HISTORIC <br />DISTRICTS <br />The Historic Preservation <br />Commission welcomed two <br />new Local Historic Districts, <br />North St. Joseph and Taylor's <br />Field in 1998. <br />The North St. Joseph Street <br />Local Historic District is lo- <br />cated on the east side of N. St. <br />Joseph Street between <br />Hammond Place and Marion <br />Street, adjacent to the existing <br />River Bend Local Historic <br />District. This district came <br />about when past director of <br />the Near Northwest Neighbor- <br />hood Association, Todd <br />Zieger, with the approval of <br />Memorial Hospital began <br />rehabilitating various proper- <br />ties for resale. The neighbor- <br />hood association then ap- <br />proached the Historic Preser- <br />vation Commission in 1997 <br />to have the neighborhood <br />designated as an historic dis- <br />trict to protect it from future <br />development and deteriora- <br />tion. The neighborhood was <br />developed by real estate mo- <br />guls, Seth Hammond and <br />Leslie Whitcomb in 1903. <br />The areas popularity grew <br />quickly with many profession- <br />als in the construction trade. <br />Because of its location near <br />downtown and the streetcar <br />line. Some of the more well <br />known residents were Chris- <br />tian Soens, owner of a brick. <br />yard, George Hoffman of the <br />Standard Cement Brick Com- <br />pany and Andrew Jorgeneson, <br />a well known mason. <br />Taylor's Field Local Historic <br />District came about from a <br />combination of efforts from <br />the Historic Preservation <br />Commission and various local <br />government agencies as an <br />attempt to revitalize the area. <br />The district is roughly located <br />on either side of S. St. Joseph <br />and Carroll Streets between <br />Monroe and Bronson Streets. <br />The area was original owned <br />by Col. Lathrop Taylor and <br />was used for circuses, menag- <br />eries and fairs by the city. <br />Development of the area be- <br />gan in earnest in the late <br />1800's by prominent mer- <br />chants and children of South <br />Bend pioneer industrialists. <br />Early residents were Col Tay- <br />lor's children, Eliza Wall, <br />Mary Nicar and Thaddeus <br />Taylor. Other prominent <br />residents were Henry Gaskill, <br />owner of a premier Tobacco <br />Shop, Samuel Brown, County <br />Commissioner, Jacob Chillas, <br />dry goods merchant and John <br />Gehring, the chairman of <br />Wyman Company. These <br />premier merchants and indus- <br />trialist created a close-knit <br />neighborhood that was con- <br />veniently located next to <br />South Bend's Business dis- <br />trict. <br />PRESERVATION OUT AND AROUND <br />Since last publication, the County and Common Councils have designated # new Local <br />Landmarks recommended by the HPC's Landmarks Committee Chaired by commission <br />president, John Oxian: list the bldgs. The HPC also welcomes two new Local Historic Dis- <br />tricts. Taylor's Field and North St. Joseph Local Historic Districts were designated by the <br />Common Council in ? Of 1998. Discuss completing of Morris and their efforts to raise <br />money for the marque and palais. Progress report on E. Wayne Street lights. Introduce new <br />director. Discuss Leeper Park plans. Discuss internship and studebaker pamphlet. <br />Page 3 <br />M0 <br />Maps of the district <br />maybe. And subcap- <br />tion <br />Caption describing <br />picture or graphic. <br />