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PERSONNEL DETAIL: <br />Assistant Director: Salary $23,710 per year. $7,295.36 was paid to me from January 1 through <br />April 18. At that time, there was a balance of $16,414.64. The County Commissioners and Council <br />have allowed us to transfer $10,000 of unused salary to Contractual Services, leaving us an unused <br />balance of $6,414.64, which, like all other unused balances, will be returned to the County General <br />Fund December 31. <br />Director: Salary $35,000 per year. $8,716.50 was paid to Rhonda Saunders from Januaryl to <br />April 4, and $23,616.70 to me from May 2 to the present. (There was a 10% salary reduction during <br />my first two months in the position.) We will be returning $2,666.80 of unused director's salary. <br />SUPPLIES DETAIL: <br />Office Supplies: Budgeted amount $5,741. We used $3,023.72 for office supplies, mostly <br />toner, paper, and paper products, $2,400 for new and upgraded copier parts, and $312 for four new <br />bookshelves, for a total of $5;735.72. We are presently stocked with most of the paper and toner we <br />will need for 2003, and are returning only $5.28. <br />Gas and Oil: Budgeted amount: $1,000. Used $937.63, and have $62.37 left over. <br />Garage and Motor Supplies: Budgeted $700, and used $150.73, returning $549.27. <br />SERVICES & OPERATIONS DETAIL: <br />Contractual Services: Budget: $26,670, plus $20,000 encumbered from 2001 <br />budget, plus $2,500 contribution from Historic Landmarks Foundation to fund Oliver Factory <br />Complex Study, plus $ 10,000 moved from Assistant Director Salary, for a total of $59,170. <br />Spent: $ 25,414.55: 17,269.89 + ? for Inspector Wayne Doolittle <br />5,500.00 for Camlar Enterprises <br />2,500.00 for Arsee Engineers, Oliver Factory Complex Study <br />30.00 Library of Congress data search <br />114.66 Executive Suites transcription service <br />Obligation not paid: Transcription services, not paid because we were still awaiting County <br />Commission approval. <br />Encumbered: $32,000: 20,000 for Inspector Services <br />12,500 for Arsee Engineers salvage of Oliver School fagade <br />Remaining: a surplus of $1,255.45. <br />Travel: Original Budget: $ 2,000. We transferred $1,250 to Instruction & Training, and <br />spent $282.09, leaving a surplus of $467.91. <br />Instruction & Training: Budget: $1,000, plus $1,250 transferred from Travel. We have spent <br />$1,425.00, and, with the transfer from Travel', had $825 surplus. <br />Telephone: Paid out of County General Fund, and the $2,160 originally allocated has been <br />transferred, $1,000 to Office Equipment and $1,160 to Printing. <br />Postage: Budget $2,000; spent $317.71 (not all shown on latest print out), and have $1,682.29 <br />(approximately) left over. This surplus is in part because of increased use of e-mail, and in part <br />because our reduced staff prevented us from sending newsletters. <br />