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.respects priesm.rigniswaLwinpum w im L4.uivn <br />ing in otherkeynaUonaUYs19QM=_ff <br />In dealing ope*.with;the Issue, the clAirch also is:'. arly hi he1pe&,a1tvMCAK <br />* I <br />races, and clearly taking steps to riassiii� the faithfuL These issues are <br />Could Chocola have won if.the per; <br />the church's buslhess:A&;�6veiri','an ihaftutiolfS COM- dentdidn't comeback on the <br />pliance'wdthcidl,L*,,i6id.thei.ti�6tetUbiiof children before the election?. ProbablY But <br />are, everyone's btis'Ifiess..Weli . ope, , the bishops re- haps by not quite as much in grace that rrrlThat <br />--fir of, <br />sed policy stayed close_�-,,.";,' Of, <br />member this:w''h ein ftycons., er,the prpPo <br />Couldhe have won if tl�,eii <br />.diangeS.-: <br />nevercameMpar <br />i;s. <br />,, <br />would him lieei Ough to 4o'sd: 6tcom-i1'Ch9qp <br />ig at all would have ineanf n"o' $6M,000Y <br />. ,'`�An <br />pisedon, Sept: 5. <br />that ic" <br />the president S6 <br />. I . 1, F <br />Ver A consultant for Long Thorapgon,`­"' : "'ic6uld iti <br />d County <br />says a money gap was eclslvW,'., <br />According to L4DngThompson <br />bublic.l] ;;Our slide ��,';whbre <br />-those f fim, <br />t is d, it, <br />MR- polling, consultant said, , <br />th6'VMN*­ <br />. pu ' c,.We <br />that --ft6th6r the St began;ivitli our or days in,- R6emie <br />Tting <br />Josego to the late September when we went dark on' �.S <br />' consid6mbl4tim�bl6'(&,,.'Ke'e'pin:'g�n"eWspaper clipping•South Bend TV" pe <br />.filesinits Histo - R661ii,iftei they are digital. When Chocola struck on TV so ,, race,vM <br />Local History respond . 'ir" <br />Long Thompson was forced respon was <br />.ly4mpi6daiidn*idd'e',hv,'allablq�ori6onipiit6rs. �, . I - '! :!,. Ch66& <br />SoddiyAnd 160 Active in kind and fmAlly, run short �q <br />The Historib PregerVatfdn <br />of funds, requiring that signmeantsur!""' <br />.and retired schooli6� are among -those who render of th6all-important tube for" 'Y-,1Thompm <br />'eep in JJJnJ <br />"id '-th al clippings most amidcdmpaigriweek!��­ --cenUlp" <br />have urged the libiary .5 <br />6 origin <br />.publicly accessible A10itVitEthe 'digital copies. We The Long Thompson consultantalso got close <br />believe they, haV6 made fhelfcaSe-and the library said the Chocola campaign was able to , Itprini <br />.should comply With'tlieW..*Me&*".;;..- l,get onindiaiiipoUsTV.todefmdLong�4-.i,,,,�dei d <br />Digifbingthkli­ <br />ppmgs,,T-•�.- §mhhing and imbed- <br />ding them in computer ffles4 is one way to save the <br />,infornuttiori they coritain for posterity. The process,, <br />which will be time-consuming and expensive, ci <br />essary to make Sure. the* epaper <br />0 <br />ftagil <br />our localhlstoiy are: iotlost-Bita� local historians'. <br />and history buffs are q to point .,.int out-.digitizin.g is-' stlea:e <br />ift the whole answei <br />For one thing, digitally s6imed items some-. <br />timesare to,,And for another, there' WASHNGTON �,�i of P., <br />.*can be no substitute f6r th'eo " rikinals. Fora 5tu-'- '.-Callita[annai.ionor <br />;dent, a'150-yd'a'r'�old newspaper, held in one's own. the midtennelection has given a'—-41id, <br />hands, has the t0ektqfifipart a'sense of reality,powerful boost to t B, <br />to theev6nt being studiedjPractical though it may the conservative agenda and the <br />long :3F#,Ziiesclay' <br />spects <br />be, a digitalterm proof the Republican 'image on a computer screen is just not By retaking the S6natq; increas <br />the same. ,. +-hair majority in the Houseand t. <br />*6 <br />7=_ <br />Library officials had 96p6dto place the 18 file cab- strengthening their grip 6n'the'i"r'El'e'c'-".,'-,`l,.i �%416 <br />inets of, clippings,;plus many shelves of additional toral College base,in the South; th6!,',.i!:1.1, 1'.i�howdbjil( <br />materials, in locked st6rakeIn the basement where 'Bush -led Republicans achieved sub; --s ft <br />Ai <br />fth <br />arrangement only. observers Nii <br />y special stantially more than most �s� .be4 n <br />It might seem the,blip''pingsjibuld be safer there, myself iiicluded7, -r had,thbught esp <br />16ifi in the public Local For the past tviVyears,'ev&jsinceheut'viq'uldnotu <br />but advocat6§`fb'r'162�p*.tl_ _teivi6w "' <br />h6.. - point <br />t. 1. won the White House while losing*the s m <br />History Room, have to'niAeonthatscore, �y <br />popular vote and having t6turn to con-_ leg&es and <br />too.,Iiithe '6v6fiibf--.i,ft-'tlii'e"�.,,,-Prhwer-system <br />servativejusticps�on the S4re'me*,"?4"-,**',�'i;."sh"&wediM <br />could flood the ��fiieAt and destroy the clippings., -:.'t cto more Court forponffi-matioifof his'Vi y <br />_The Local His.;tor'yf6bm'Js',d61gned to protect ft -4- Bush hai'struggled againk thblabel Demos ' <br />pig <br />an "acciden6l president',,,'.'-, N!Ape Re <br />-It��ii*h��',a'�,i�kfer-fr6efire*suppresi- <br />ile documents. <br />But the support he w9h by his sterling," reason to W <br />ion sys rever'faced --performance after the ter 'milsf'a'thLcks'-��,4�of; d6mozib <br />sl te <br />LibraryDii�rDo <br />'diffkW 'of Sept. 11, 2001 <br />mith the. tb�6blei3i*.bf.,."s"q-u'e'e'z'm'g'the.'mostli�-*�:,"-� ,!h;iendur6d,'A'h­dhe*` -co" er <br />ib e into ted <br />braxy atiei�pjos"s' 1".-- t1ifiii spac&'It is un. showed on Tuesday that he could con--' <br />^;.P.''r5r1im.Baa <br />derstndable thath" col verthAtpopularity into votes forhisfe1?.',recived"ark <br />low-parti&-ms. That is the most'p6werfiil'i pelling sign <br />pings to storage as pAft, of. thd4solution'. particular-­�, leadership tool any president c I anpos-i--�, shiliAndft <br />says; ke'e"i <br />ly since, he ping.fli6biwith the local. history "i m6craticid <br />-drilarging the room. sess. ' i'.* - I I I <br />collection *ould*fi&j;E�fti* 'gq <br />In hindsight it now ap its cow <br />We sympathize withNapoli's problem, afidparticu- the Democrats who had <br />was <br />'th 'fi6 <br />lady appreciate his',vifflUnitiess to explain the <br />digiti-" from political accidents; enjoying eir, ices -7 <br />. ?� <br />zation processtb anyone with But we also shakySenate majority only because ��se " "eisan'dir <br />sympathy for an idplki6" <br />think the advodatds for keeping the clippings safely. in 11 ,The elikd <br />"l�',]R&n'i-l:iiiii�;i�6"n--:di"e-argumei�t :,victim in Missouri was followed by <br />the Local 111W.. y Bush's <br />0. <br />5"i; <br />I <br />