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To further helpeed things along, the chairman sho"k at the start of each <br />property if the reading of the report could be dispensed- with, and the reading should be dispensed with <br />unless there is an objection or the report was circulated just prior to the meeting. <br />It is the job of the chairperson of the meeting to keep it moving. This may involve <br />asking a member to get back to the subject or conclude his or her comments. It is always a thankless <br />task, not arising out of any animosity towards any member, and in the long run it will force all of us to <br />concentrate on the issues. <br />The public comments section does not necessarily mean a public debate. A simple <br />"Thank you for your thoughts" could be sufficient. For example, the South Bend Common Council has <br />incorporated into its rules a requirement that no questions may be asked of the council members during <br />the public comments sessions and that matters which were on the agenda cannot be addressed either. <br />Since an item brought up at the public discussion is not something you are necessarily prepared to deal <br />with in detail like the speaker wants, a written response or a phone call the next day, when you have <br />your facts in order (and, perhaps, when tempers have cooled down) is often more appropriate than a <br />two-way discussion at that hour of the evening. <br />Finally, please remember that you are not being graded or paid by the number of words <br />you utter, nor are you paid by the length of the meeting. People don't go out of the meeting saying <br />"Commissioner X must be pretty dumb because he or she hardly said a word." It is late, -dark, and will <br />soon be cold when our meetings end. The Commission and the public would be well served if meetings <br />consistently ended earlier. <br />The purpose of this memo isn't to stifle debate or to criticize anyone in particular. I sit <br />there and try to put myself in the shoes of the property owners who are being asked to give up a night <br />of their lives because they happen to own an historically important house or live in an historically <br />district, a hardship to them which they would not endure if they lived in other parts of the community. <br />I reiterate that I will be available to questions from any of you at 235-5868. <br />H:\WPDATA\Tt"=oMWorkPmfim <br />