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LEGAL DEPARTMENT <br />IN'I'EXOFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE: October 5, 2001 <br />FROM: THOMAS L. BODNA 2q <br />ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY <br />RE: QUESTIONS RAISED CONCERNING THE <br />POWERS OF THE COMMISSION <br />I understand these questions to be: <br />1. What can the Commission do if a Certificate of Appropriateness ("COA") is granted and no <br />work done on the structure? <br />2. What are the Commission's remedies if a structure is left in a state of general disrepair? <br />3. What are the Commission's remedies if work is done on a historic structure without a COA? <br />(1) Structures are approved as part of a historic district or as a historic structure. The issuance of a <br />Certificate of Appropriateness means that the suggested changes will,conform with the historic import of the district <br />or the structure itself. The application usually does not imply that there is anything wrong with the structure from <br />our standards. If the owner, for whatever reason, decides not to carry through with any work, then the structure is <br />still in conformity as it had been without the paperwork. The application is a request for permission, an indication <br />of a desire to make a change, not a promise to do so, and even if it were a promise, it would be legally unenforceable <br />for lack of consideration. In short, it is the owner's call, and the Commission is without remedy to enforce the <br />Certificate unless the grounds had deteriorated greatly. <br />(2) There is a specific section of the ordinance which addresses this issue. Citing the South Bend <br />ordinance, §21-117.2(e)(7) concerning a structure within a historic district or a historic landmark, the Commission <br />has the following power: <br />"The Historic Preservation Commission may petition a building commissioner or <br />his designee and the Department of Code Enforcement to cause the maintenance <br />and/or repair of any historic landmark or property in Historic Preservation <br />Districts. All appropriate legal remedies at the state and local levels shall be <br />utilized by such officials when seeking compliance with standards established for <br />preserving and protecting historic landmarks and historic preservation districts as <br />further addressed in subparagraph (f) herein, which are in accordance with the <br />intent of this article." <br />The current practice of a letter from the Executive Director is not a replacement for this step, but can be utilized as a <br />prerequisite. <br />(3) While the ordinance provides the mechanism for bringing the offender into court for a fine, we <br />have adopted the policy that an ex post facto COA is in the best interests of all concerned. There is nothing in the <br />ordinance which prohibits such a policy. <br />H .\WPDATA\TLB\Memos\Hist Pres.frm <br />